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  1. Kornasteniker

    Austria Head-Fi Lounge

    Oh dear, such a long time... It seems likt this meeting room is gaining in popularity the last years. ;) Has anyone been at the High End this Year? If so, which headphones/amps have been your fav of the show? For me, regarding just the audio performance, the HEDDphone could be a real competitor...
  2. Kornasteniker

    Vienna head-fi meet November 3rd 2018 impressions

    Thx for organizing the room again @ampair ! Was a pleasure to meeting you all once again! And @HirschiAUT, no words... xD
  3. Kornasteniker

    Vienna head-fi meet November 3rd 2018

    "Whisky, the communication starter for all awkward situations." Could be a commercial slogan xD I hope the new A&K SE100 can make it in time to me so that I'm able to bring it with me at our meet with a new firmware for streaming capability :) Until next week!
  4. Kornasteniker

    Austria Head-Fi Lounge

    Did you just say that you would prefer to do other things over the best meet up in head fi history @HirschiAUT ? :astonished: Nice to hear, that finally a date has been found for the meet :) Of course I will be there too with lots of new and exiting... DRINKS :)
  5. Kornasteniker

    Austria Head-Fi Lounge

    Well Heinz, I hope you'll be in Vienna in october too, that would be great if it is possible to hear this fabulous combination of the Woo Audio Portable Amp and the MySphere! I can't help myself worrying about how fast time is passing by... But I'm glad to hear that some possible dates for the...
  6. Kornasteniker

    Austria Head-Fi Lounge

    Hi all of you Austrian head phone enthusiasts! It was a great weekend in Munich and a pleasure to meet you all there! thx @Nomax for reserving the table at the italian restaurant for us! They had a really good house wine and the food was good too! Maybe you guys have some impressions of the...
  7. Kornasteniker

    Austria Head-Fi Lounge

    Hi Guys, Just wondering if anyone of you is at the High End in Munich this Year? Im already on my way there. Would be nice If i could meet with some of you guys there! Have a nice Pfingst-Weekend! Oops, I mean Christi Himmelfahrt-Weekend :D
  8. Kornasteniker

    Meet in Vienna/Austria on April 14th 2018

    Wohoooo! Finally! THX again for reserving the room for us @ampair ! And thx to @plakat for organizing the thread! Two months to go, but i'll think the time passes by more quickly now we have a date to anticipate for :D Cheers!
  9. Kornasteniker

    Austria Head-Fi Lounge

    Hi folks! Are there any plans for a meet in q1 2018? Would be nice to meet you guys all again :) KoRna
  10. Kornasteniker

    Austria Head-Fi Lounge

    Great to hear! I'm very much exited for this meet! As allways I'll bring a cpl of Whiskies with me, of course a few headphone toys too :-) Greetings, KoRnasteniker
  11. Kornasteniker

    Austria Head-Fi Lounge

    In Summer it will be hard to gather all of our brave head-fiers for a meet, because it's the time where most of us are planning for a Holiday ;) But for me, no problem. I for myself like to stay Vienna a lot more than traveling around anyway :) Greetings, KoRnasteniker PS: Damn, this new forum...
  12. Kornasteniker

    11th Vienna Meet Impressions Thread

    hi @all and meny thanks for organizing the meet once again! Had a great time with all of you guys, even when my setup didn't work because of an USB-driver problem of my tablet, but I was to busy chatting with all of you anyways to listen to new gear ;)   Here some pics, a little late but...
  13. Kornasteniker

    Austria Head-Fi Lounge

    Many thanks for organizing the room @ampair! Looking forward to seeing you! PS: Maybe there will be new stuff to bring with me too Oh, and new Whiskies will be brought too ;)
  14. Kornasteniker

    Austria Head-Fi Lounge

      As Plakat stated, maybe it would be better to move the date to March. The Difficulty however would be that the Kontaktraum will maybe already be booked. And in march the new semester will already have started. Did anyone notify @ampair about the date issue?
  15. Kornasteniker

    Austria Head-Fi Lounge

    Merry Christmas to all from me too!   @hrklg01 I'm very excited to have a listen to your prototype in February or March! Wish you all the best that you'll get your prototype all up and running until then! Thumbs up!
  16. Kornasteniker

    Austria Head-Fi Lounge

    Yep, I'd say February to the first week of March would be a really nice time for the next meet!    I just have to say "WOW" to the new HE-350 Massdrop Edition. For their approx. 100 bucks, they are very well worth 100 or 200 Dollars more, Except for the build quality, but i think that's...
  17. Kornasteniker

    Austria Head-Fi Lounge

    Regarding the Klangbilder: I'll be attending at Sunday early afternoon. I haven't got the time earlier. So I hope I'll meet some head-fiers there :)   Update 15.12.2016:   Good News for the HifiMan Fans of you! I'll be bringing my freshly arrived HE-350 Massdrop Edition to the next meet...
  18. Kornasteniker

    10th Vienna Meet Impressions Thread

    There have been two guys with long pony tailed hair at the meet. Sadly, I forgot their names...   Different topic: Who of you guys is attending the Klangbilder-Show in a cpl weeks? Would be nice if we could meet up there and walk through the exhibition together :)   Greetings, Thom.
  19. Kornasteniker

    10th Vienna Head-Fi Meet - 8th of October 2016

    Hi Sebastian!   Sorry to be that late with the promise of being there but I'm constantly forgetting to post it in here! :D Of course I'll be there. This time, without a time limitation!    'til tomorrow!   PS: I haven't got the time to buy some new Whisky this year, so I'm slowly running...
  20. Kornasteniker

    New Burson Conductor - V2 and V2+

    +1 for me!   Please compare these two outstanding products!   Greetings, KoRnasteniker
  21. Kornasteniker

    New Burson Conductor - V2 and V2+

    I see, that there is a black anodized version of the mobile device available. It would be cool though, if Burson could bring his other products in black too. :)   Greetings, KoRnasteniker
  22. Kornasteniker

    Austria Head-Fi Lounge

    Just was wondering the same thing, if it maybe would be better to plan the meeting in September, when everyone is in town again? Because as this doodle poll shows, there will be half of the ppl missing in August. And when we are on the top floor again it would anyway be better to hold the...
  23. Kornasteniker

    Austria Head-Fi Lounge

    If everything fails, speking of june is examination time and july is vacatrion time, maybe august would be the better choice, as everyone will be available for the meet?  Just my two cents.    Greetings, KoRnasteniker
  24. Kornasteniker

    Austria Head-Fi Lounge

    Hi all,   Just wondering, if and when the next meet is going to happen? Summer is coming and our new meet-location would be very well suited for a summer-event with the balcony and the great view over Vienna.    @plakat @ampair @Edgar Kaksis : You said, somewhere between June and July would...
  25. Kornasteniker

    New Burson Conductor - V2 and V2+

    Am I blind or isn't the V2(+) offering a gain switch? The Soloist SL MK2 I'm having here has this really useful feature. Especially for IEMs its quite nice to increase the headroom of the volume pot. But I think this is because of the quite new built in 100-step volume control so that it's not...