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  1. Rollin

    NEW! Musical Fidelity M1 DAC "A" for Asynchronous USB Input, Unboxing Video

    Putting it on my short list, thanks HiFiGuy528 for all the good info
  2. Rollin

    Ross Martin Audio DACs? BB PCM1794 based DAC ($199 single DAC, $399 dual DAC with headamp)

    This or a Metrum, so cracky get buying and report back ;-)
  3. Rollin

    Soundtrack lovers (any one?)

    O Brother, Where Art Thou? Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon   and sentimental: Sound of Music
  4. Rollin

    The Ultimate Audiophile Spotify Playlist

    Enjoying it now, Thanks
  5. Rollin

    The Doors HDTracks

    So how was the vinyl?
  6. Rollin

    What Are You Listening To Right Now?

    Alison Krauss + Union Station Live ripped from the DVD
  7. Rollin

    Buying Music (Amazon, iTunes, Spotify, etc.)   Some artists are offering downloads from their sites in high rez or the labels Like Rodrigo y Gabriela and look...
  8. Rollin

    Pictures of your computer rigs! Post them here!

    Thanks to all for posting, learned little things here and there.
  9. Rollin

    god i hate battlefield 3

    Can not wait for the armor maps later in the year.
  10. Rollin

    Ross Martin Audio DACs? BB PCM1794 based DAC ($199 single DAC, $399 dual DAC with headamp)

    Thanks for all the good info here. Going to have to get one of these soon.
  11. Rollin

    Night Time Shots Of Our Tubes Glowing -- Post Them Here!!

        Decware Zen Torii #14
  12. Rollin

    Ross Martin Audio DACs? BB PCM1794 based DAC ($199 single DAC, $399 dual DAC with headamp)

    I came across that site a week or so ago and curious too wondering if anyone has tried them out. Will be watching this thread too. Real responsive to e-mails - I was asking about a BNC out and he said "yes we will build the dac any way you want!"