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  1. amaynard

    Ipod sound quality is suspect - anyone else noticed this

    The effects are subtle, but definitely there - I would expect the decoding artefacts to be obvious even when using bulk standard quality headphones. The AAC playback is OK, and it is only in comparison with other decoders that I noticed the difference. There are clear artefacts on the MP3...
  2. amaynard

    Ipod sound quality is suspect - anyone else noticed this

    I'm using an Ibook G4 Titanium - the output is a little noisy, and not the best around, but still good enough to highlight differences in playback sound quality compared to the Ipod. The MP3 artefacts are only apparent on quiet but classical music encoded at high bitrates - quiet piano...
  3. amaynard

    Ipod sound quality is suspect - anyone else noticed this

    Has anyone else noticed that the sound quality from the Ipod is significantly inferior to that directly from Itunes on the Mac, or do I have a suspect specimen? I'm using a new Ipod with a standard CMOY amp and ER4-S's. The sound quality on MP3's and AAC's is OK, but rather fatiguing - I thought...
  4. amaynard

    Etymotic ER4s or ER4p

    Just to add my two cents worth to this... I had the same dilemma with buying the ER4P's, or the ER4S's with an amp to follow. Opted for the ER4S's as I knew I'd kick myself if I couldn't be sure of getting the best possible sound (at some point) for the money. They sound better when powered...
  5. amaynard

    How do you wear your Etys?

    So far I've opted for the rubber tips with relatively shallow insertion (but still a good seal). However I'm trying my first airplane trip with them this weekend, so we'll see how important the isolation factor is...
  6. amaynard

    How do you wear your Etys?

    I'm now using a pretty similar insertion procedure. Lifting the ear up and out while 'scooping' the rubber tip in (initially push down, then level it out - the tip seems to be inserted deeply without creating a complete seal intil almost fully inserted, thus minimizing the pressure buildup...
  7. amaynard

    Best portable headphone amp?

    Quote: Originally posted by chych Isn't the Corda amp portable? What about Cmoy's amp, and a lot of those DIY amps are sure to be better than TAs... In danger of showing up my ignorance... where can I get info. on the Corda? Thanks
  8. amaynard

    How do you wear your Etys?

    Quote: Originally posted by Greg Freeman The pressure buildup should only be temporary until the outer ear equalizes. This usually only takes 15 or 20 seconds for me with the rubber tips. While the pressure is unbalanced the response will change because the eardrum is constrained. That...
  9. amaynard

    Best portable headphone amp?

    I notice that with mains powered amps the HeadRoom models seem to struggle against the competition. But what about portable units? What is there out there that compares with the TA, supreme etc?
  10. amaynard

    Yet Another Etymotic 4S Review (Small bass issue tho)

    Quote: Originally posted by eric343 You know, I think that's one of the best descriptions of the foam vs. rubber issues yet. I don't think anyone else has posted it but I'm sure we've all noticed it! Thanks. I've just posted a new thread asking for opinions on the pressure issue.
  11. amaynard

    How do you wear your Etys?

    I can alter the sound of my etys by changing how far I insert the rubber tips (whil still having a good seal). The sound seems to be related to an increase in the pressure between the transducer and the eardrum. Light insertion, with low pressure buildup gives a rich sound, with slightly less...
  12. amaynard

    Yet Another Etymotic 4S Review (Small bass issue tho)

    I've been impressed with the ety bass with both types of tips. True you can't feel it in the same way you feel it as you do with direct sound, but it does have slam, and the clarity is incredible (try listening to well recorded organ or acoustic bass). The pressure that bulds up between the...
  13. amaynard

    ER4S ear plugs

    The rubber tips are growing on me - there's clearly more to inserting them than is immediately apparent. I'd now agree that the sound is clearer than with the foam tips, but the soundstage is more restricted - similar to the difference between closed and open phones. What has been really...
  14. amaynard

    ER4S ear plugs

    Possibly a bad fit with the rubber tips. The seal's OK, but do you reach a point where the tips are inserted too far... ? Forgot to mention first time round that the problem of cable microphony is less with the foam tips.
  15. amaynard

    ER4S ear plugs

    I've just invested in a pair of ER4S ear (canal?) phones, and have been playing around with the two types of ear plugs supplied. Performance is supposed to be identical with both types. The default ones are the white silicone plugs, and I get the impression that moldable plugs are included as an...