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  1. oldblueviffer!

    yeah it's rather quiet in this thread :)
  2. oldblueviffer

    Do you hoard music

    Yep I have just shy of 2tb and I tend to keep everything and a back up just in case. Like you i look for new music all the time, recommendations from my son, and checking out the new releases from erm other sources :)   cant have too much in my book :)
  3. oldblueviffer

    2015 Van Halen Remasters

    It is available here :)
  4. oldblueviffer

    R.I.P. Chris Squire.

    Very sad indeed i've been listening to some Yes quite a lot recently too .... R.I.P. 
  5. oldblueviffer

    Hello from UK

    Hi from another UK member. I still use my old creative zen when i'm out and about as the price of current DAP's is too much for me but i still like to keep up on the current developments. Enjoy your stay here :)   Ian
  6. oldblueviffer

    Looks like we have spam to spare today.....

    It happens quite a lot on here :)
  7. oldblueviffer

    What Are You Listening To Right Now?

    I'm listening to an album i first heard way back in 1981 and if you like your rock to be French flavoured then give "Trust" a listen.  "Repression" followed by "Savage" should be a good start :)
  8. oldblueviffer

    What Are You Listening To Right Now?

    Brilliant album and one of my absolute favorites :)
  9. oldblueviffer

    acidtripwow passed

    Sorry for your loss ...
  10. oldblueviffer

    Mmm. In all this search for the perfect reproduction, are we missing the point?

    Nice use of the lovely phrase "fart arsing around"  :)
  11. oldblueviffer

    What Are You Listening To Right Now?

    Meshugga - Chaosphere :)
  12. oldblueviffer

    I lost my son...

    I feel the same for me it's been nearly four years since my son's death and it never gets any easier. I'm sorry if thats hard to hear but for me there is no coming to terms with it. I cry every day and i think this is completely normal. Perhaps talking about it here may not be the right place...
  13. oldblueviffer

    110/240v speaker cable

    I have in the past without any noticeable problems or you could try network cables if you have any to spare :) 
  14. oldblueviffer

    I lost my son...

    My sincere condolences. I'm afraid i know just how your feeling right now.
  15. oldblueviffer

    should i use an amp on a logitech ue 6000?

    I have the ue 6000 and find it has no need for an amp i run mine, on occasion, from my old creative vision M without any trouble hth :)
  16. oldblueviffer

    What Are You Listening To Right Now?

    Slipknot - .5 The Gray Chapter 
  17. oldblueviffer!

    Yeah i know what you mean  :)
  18. oldblueviffer!

    You have some catching up to do !
  19. oldblueviffer!    :)
  20. oldblueviffer

    What Are You Listening To Right Now?

    Child in Time  -  from Made In Japan just because its longer - followed by  Free Bird - i'll never tire of this track  Duality  - brilliant !   :)
  21. oldblueviffer

    ROCK JAW Testers

    Yes please that would be just peachy :)
  22. oldblueviffer

    What Are You Listening To Right Now?

    I loved this film, i too have the soundtrack,  so many of my younger days spent listening to many of the bands that recorded there. Top choice ! 
  23. oldblueviffer

    What Are You Listening To Right Now?

    Saxon - Strong Arm Of The Law, Wheels Of Steel before that and then Denim And Leather and why not it is their 35th year touring :)