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  1. tashlin

    ADE tuned Beyerdynamic T1

    Quote: Do you just reduce the 8KHz band or also the bands either side of it (by say 2.5dB) to smooth the effect out?
  2. tashlin

    Woo Audio WA22 vs Eddie Current Balancing Act?

    Quote: Thanks minimus.  My T1s are already balanced for use with my Master 5 / NFB-10WM but I didn't spend a fortune on having them recabled - more like £15 on on some eutectic solder and a 4 pin XLR plug which I attached to the stock cable (which seems to be pretty good quality)!  ...
  3. tashlin


    I might be interested in a London meet depending on date and location (I'm based in Dulwich - South London so anywhere central-South would be fine)   I have quite a bit of gear I could bring although probably wouldn't want to bring all of it (unless I could easily park my car at the venue)...
  4. tashlin

    Woo Audio WA22 vs Eddie Current Balancing Act?

    Okay - thanks for clarifying.  Sounds as though the BA is an awesome amp then!  As an aside, are there any fully balanced high end tube headphone amps out there?   The other thing that would be really helpful to me is any comparisons people might be able to make to my Audio-GD Master 5...
  5. tashlin

    Woo Audio WA22 vs Eddie Current Balancing Act?

    My current setup uses all SS gear but I'm keen to explore what tubes can do for my listening experience!  I've got a balanced source (Audio-GD Ref 7.1) and all my headphones are equipped with 4 pin balanced plugs so I'm keen to go for a fully balanced headphone amp.  Having done...
  6. tashlin

    The Official Beyerdynamic T1 Impressions and Discussion Thread

    Quote: +1 for the Audio-GD Master-x combination with the HE-6.  I actually have the Master 5, which I find more than adequate to drive it (volume about 40-50% for most music).  Before using this amp, I used to find my HE-6 too bright and thought the sound was a bit thin and fragile (to the...
  7. tashlin

    [GUIDE] How To Properly Dampen Your Beyerdynamic T1

    Sorry... Completely forgot to add a rather important point that I also made another mod to the plug last night, which made significant improvements in the clarity, soundstage and blackness of the background.  As described here, this involved removing the wire shield connection from the plug and...
  8. tashlin

    [GUIDE] How To Properly Dampen Your Beyerdynamic T1

    I tried reverting back to the unmodded state again last night.  I think my T1s are still running in because the treble was mellower than when I last used them this way and the harshness was only really an issue listening to mainstream chart music (Beyoncé was unlistenable for instance).  Alison...
  9. tashlin

    [GUIDE] How To Properly Dampen Your Beyerdynamic T1

    Okay - I've now tried the mod too!  I got my T1s the week before last and left them for about 5 days to burn in with the Isotek CD (track 2).  Then I exchanged the plug for a balanced one (my first DIY soldering job - not too bad!).... and all was set for a comparison to my other headphones...
  10. tashlin

    [GUIDE] How To Properly Dampen Your Beyerdynamic T1

    Does the mod reduce the soundstage at all?  Mods I have tried before of this nature (with other headphones) usually exhibit a compromise between smoothness and airiness (and also 'speed'/attack).
  11. tashlin

    [GUIDE] How To Properly Dampen Your Beyerdynamic T1

    Has anyone compared this mod to the ADE (aka "Tampon"!) mod that Airwin describes here..?   Matrixnobu - it looks as though you have posted on both threads and didn't rate the ADE mod highly?   My T1s should arrive in a few...
  12. tashlin

    Intermittent buzz/static on Win7 with HRT MSII+

    Thanks rayk - I have just been getting this issue too.  Had it not been for your post I would probably still be suffering static problems!
  13. tashlin

    Suggestions please - cable replacement/upgrade for B&W P5 headphones

    Stefan Audioart now do an E-series cable upgrade for the P5.  It is quite expensive however - I don't think I could justify spending this much on a cable for my P5s, particularly for portable use where the microdetails/nuances of the music tend to get lost in London's cacophony of background noise!
  14. tashlin

    Where can I get my headphone cables re-terminated please? (UK)

      I am about to invest in a balanced set-up and would like to get my various aftermarket headphone cables re-terminated with 4-pin balanced plugs.  I'm no expert with a soldering iron though so I was wondering if anyone could recommend somewhere in the UK (ideally London but doesn't really...
  15. tashlin

    HD650 mod question

    Thanks Winma ...although I think most of the posts in the link seem to be talking about removing the large foam pad inside the earcups?  I've already done this but I am now wondering about taking out the much smaller circle of foam wedged in between the plastic housing/structure and the back of...
  16. tashlin

    HD650 mod question

    Come on .... someone must know?!   The quick summary of my question = How does removing the foam from behind the drivers affect the sound signature of HD650s?  Also, if I try doing this and then don't like it, can I easily reverse it?   Thanks
  17. tashlin

    HD650 mod question

    I love my HD650s for listening to bright recordings when my more aggressive headphones sound too harsh/ssssibilant and become fatiguing very quickly.  However, the 650s were actually just a little too smooth for my tastes (no doubt the "infamous veil"!) and so I started to consider a couple of...
  18. tashlin

    Is there anything wrong with setting an amp on top of computer?

    Vibration from the various fans, etc could conceivably affect sound quality (depending on whether or not you believe in that sort of thing of course! ).  If you are a believer, you could probably get around this problem by including some form of isolation feet/platform between the PC and the amp.
  19. tashlin

    OPA627 - where to buy?

    I'd like to upgrade the op amp module in my EF-5 to an OPA627 (vs the stock OPA275).   Does anyone know where I can buy one? (I live in the UK)   I'm pretty new to op amp rolling and searching on google wasn't much help!
  20. tashlin

    HeadAmp Pico Slim Amp: Pre-Order Requests

    Purple does look cool.  Please treat this as confirmation that I'd like to swap my black one for a purple one if others don't get there before me!  (I'm #300 on the list.)   BTW Justin: STILL waiting for a response re cancelling the Twag LOD and for the refund on this part of my order.  I...
  21. tashlin

    Cable upgrade for HE-5LE?

    Thanks Patrick - albeit I'm sure many will disagree!    Irrespective of whether one believes cables can change sound signatures (and I don't really want this thread to turn into a debate about that), it is true that changing the amp components may also help with my treble issues.  I'm...
  22. tashlin

    Which custom IEMs?

    I spoke to Andy Shiach who was really helpful and spent quite a while chatting to me about my preferences and what I am after.  I think I'm going to go for the T2 on the basis that it is much more neutral than the T1. (I already have some IE-8s with custom tips and find the bass on these to be...
  23. tashlin

    Cable upgrade for HE-5LE?

    I'm keen to upgrade the stock cable for something that would smooth out the top end of my HE-5LEs (currently amped single ended out of an EF-5).  Any suggestions please?   I'm based in the UK so would prefer to buy something here if possible (much easier to sort out any problems if they...
  24. tashlin

    HeadAmp Pico Slim Amp: Pre-Order Requests

    Purple sounds cool to me!  (I'm number 300)   Have you got any pictures of the purple and orange cases you could post?   BTW Justin - Have PM'd you twice about my order.  I no longer need the Twag LOD - please could you cancel and refund this part of my order?   Thanks
  25. tashlin

    Help please - HE-5LE sibilance?

    Thanks Roth_s,   I'm currently using a Wireworld Ultraviolet USB cable between the PC and the DAC and Merlin Mozart interconnects (only 0.5m in length) between the DAC and amp.  I'm using the stock cable with the HE-5LEs (the one with the 4 pin XLR plug/jack adapter in the middle)   I...