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  1. cjarrett

    Diana: the second release by Abyss Headphones!

    the blue jean is gorgeous
  2. cjarrett

    Campfire Audio Trifecta

    Panda Bear's Dolphin (Spotify Link, though I'm listening via CD RIP...) is a fantastic pairing of a song with this IEM. It's shuddering bass compliments well with the other pulsating sounds throughout the track to truly highlight this IEM's highs and soundstage. Gonna build out another playlist...
  3. cjarrett

    Campfire Audio Trifecta

    this has generally been my take, even if the effect itself is fictitious--our own brain hardware sometimes needs to adjust to minute differences which really flavor the experience.
  4. cjarrett

    Campfire Audio Trifecta

    I've been posting on this site for over a decade (and lurked before I signed up) and this thread was what got me my 100th post. Amazing, as I've spent so much of my life reading opinions and discussions from the many users around the globe here! I keep thinking I hit my endgame every...
  5. cjarrett

    Campfire Audio Trifecta

    and LOL--I didn't notice the RED/WHITE for Right/Left. As you can tell I've spent all of 15 minutes with mine.
  6. cjarrett

    Campfire Audio Trifecta

    haha, so that’s what the hand is for
  7. cjarrett

    Campfire Audio Trifecta

    some photos of what i’m talking about to satiate any interest:
  8. cjarrett

    Campfire Audio Trifecta

    Got mine on Saturday but haven't had a chance to listen to them much. The packaging is neat--much improved over the bigger ones sent with solaris where I'm stuck struggling to put chords in and out. The passport type is perfect for the buds themselves, plush one is nice for an extra chord and...
  9. cjarrett

    The JPS Labs: Abyss AB-1266 Impressions Thread

    I'm going to be looking into selling my Phi TCs sometime soon. Ran into some home troubles and will need an extensive foundation repair, and I don't think I need both the TCs and Dianas. At some point soon I'll be putting up my post in the FS forum, but thought i'd pre-empt it by posting...
  10. cjarrett

    Campfire - Solaris

    I've got the SE Solaris, but haven't used it a ton to compare enough to the Andromeda (black one).
  11. cjarrett

    New from Woo Audio - WA7 Fireflies (3rd Gen)

    4.4 output is pretty big for me. I've got mostly 4.4 cables (since I have the Sony WMA1 DAP) for my campfire Audio IEMs and ZMF Headphones if not balanced XLR, so this was a big selling point for me to use my other gear outside of walking around. Since I'm WFH for a while, I haven't used them...
  12. cjarrett

    Diana: the second release by Abyss Headphones!

    They mentioned in a video right before or after the new year that the demand was larger than they expected, so I wasn't sure it'd be as quick, but I was pleasantly surprised to see an shipment email today despite ordering Monday. it was about the same when I ordered my 1266 TCs. So look out...
  13. cjarrett

    Diana: the second release by Abyss Headphones!

    I always enjoy music recommendations in these threads. I use them for my playlists when folks come over and inevitably are intrigued by my gargantuan setup :). Additionally, the 1266 is the headphone I've used with the most dramatic difference in sounds via placement (as we all are...
  14. cjarrett

    New from Woo Audio - WA7 Fireflies (3rd Gen)

    Ordered this along with the Diana TC to de-clutter my desktop. WFH really overloaded my standing desk so I have my yggy/ragnarok combo on the window behind it. Hoping this will declutter and return me back to my desired desk space without compromising SQ too much. My first tube amp as well...
  15. cjarrett

    Diana: the second release by Abyss Headphones!

    Whelp, ordered the Diana TC and the new Woo Fireflies. Trying to downsize my desktop setup from a yggy/ragnarok/1266 phi tc so it can all fit on my standing desk. WFH really cluttered it up.
  16. cjarrett

    The JPS Labs: Abyss AB-1266 Impressions Thread

    Sometime this week I'm gonna try to fit on some ZMF pads to see if the fit is any better or more comfortable. I'm never had much problems, but the adhesive on the pads is starting to come off when I muck around since the magnets are stronger--so figure I'll experiment a bit.
  17. cjarrett

    The JPS Labs: Abyss AB-1266 Impressions Thread

    man, under my computer desk has become a cluster**** since I added remote laptop and macMini to my cable setup--🤢🤢🤮🤮
  18. cjarrett

    The JPS Labs: Abyss AB-1266 Impressions Thread

    I found it fairly funny that the new stand can be retrofitted to be an under the desk stand. I even have my watch/iPhone charger on the base up top
  19. cjarrett

    The JPS Labs: Abyss AB-1266 Impressions Thread

    Really neat. Might ask my SIL's brother (3D printed lots of gifts for the nephews these past few years) to make me some with his setup. Give me an excuse to go over and share some beers now that we both got the jabs.
  20. cjarrett

    The JPS Labs: Abyss AB-1266 Impressions Thread

    yes yes yes please this is neat-o.
  21. cjarrett

    The JPS Labs: Abyss AB-1266 Impressions Thread

    Yeah, I honestly was expecting to switch between this and my VCs, but I haven't felt the need 4 months in. I'm revisiting some of my old spotify playlists, and I'm still so glad I walked into Seattle's Vinyl Shop WallOfSound ( while he was playing Wand's Golem album. I...
  22. cjarrett

    The JPS Labs: Abyss AB-1266 Impressions Thread

    Trust me, leave the thread while you still have things in your wallet
  23. cjarrett

    The JPS Labs: Abyss AB-1266 Impressions Thread

    I misread backpack for back pocket and was confused for a bit :darthsmile:
  24. cjarrett

    The JPS Labs: Abyss AB-1266 Impressions Thread

    My brother is also gonna love me because he’s gonna get some massive upgrades...
  25. cjarrett

    The JPS Labs: Abyss AB-1266 Impressions Thread

    So I bought a wa33 because i hate myself