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  1. Aynjell

    HD800 Story Telling Time - *Warning* Prepare thyself, not for the faint of heart - (You've been warned!)

    Glad you got 'em, can't wait to hear 'em after you febreze 'em.
  2. Aynjell

    Head-fi is slow?!

    Head-fi after the recent upgrades, has made it far less convenient to use... and/or attend.
  3. Aynjell

    Head-fi is slow?!   After testing this, I am thinking it's just a chrome issue. Sorry I was a whiny git.   Actaully nope, more testing shows it behaving the same in IE. I think it might be some kind of ISP -> head-fi issue or something. Not...
  4. Aynjell

    Omaha NE Head-Fi Meet April 20, 2013!

    Quote:     Come anyway, your company will be enjoyed even if you're just learning. Just because you don't know doesn't mean you can't, right? When you came to head-fi did you have the ears to appreciate headphones? Probably not is my guess, no reason to deny yourself a learning...
  5. Aynjell

    Head-fi is slow?!

    Googling this very issue and landed on this thread; if it's any value... I've straight up stopped coming to head-fi primarily because the website is dog**** slow. I've organized head-fi meets, made a 2000$ vacation to end up at a head-fi meet... and my relationship ends with this great community...
  6. Aynjell

    Omaha NE Head-Fi Meet April 20, 2013!

    I'll be there.    Audio-GD NFB-2 Audio-GD C-2   Sennheiser HD650 Grado SR325i
  7. Aynjell

    Pictures of your computer rigs! Post them here!

    FT02B is what I use. Welcome to the club. ;)
  8. Aynjell

    New Rise of the Triad title announced

    What's feelies?
  9. Aynjell

    New Rise of the Triad title announced

  10. Aynjell

    Omaha Head-Fi Meet New Date May 19/CE!

    Course I remember you. You turned me on to audio-gd initially!
  11. Aynjell

    Review: Fischer Audio FA-003 - a neutral champ!

    Quote: Other posts prior to this are saying they're pleather. Also, hi.
  12. Aynjell

    Omaha Head-Fi Meet New Date May 19/CE!

    Thanks to devin, I got a great deal done today. Providing I get accepted back into my old partment, it'll be right as rain.
  13. Aynjell

    Omaha Head-Fi Meet New Date May 19/CE!

    Devin is going to try and make it happen for me, so we'll see. if I can make it, I will.
  14. Aynjell

    Omaha Head-Fi Meet New Date May 19/CE!

    Due to my living situation changing very suddenly, I will not be able to attend this event, unfortunately, unless somehow I can get moved before the weekend, but I can't move in until my application to rent at my gf's apartment is approved.
  15. Aynjell

    Stepped Attenuator on audio-GD C-2

    Due to the way the C-2C works with ACSS, I'm curious, can you replace the stock pot with a stepped attenuator? I'm happy with this device's functionality and flexibility, with the exception of the viscious channel imbalance. Also, are there any stepped pots\attenuators that are slightly cheaper...
  16. Aynjell

    Omaha Head-Fi Meet New Date May 19/CE!

    Yeah I'm gonna be there. Should be fun!   I'll be bringing the following:   Audio GD C-2 (which will be for sale for 250$, no longer available new, but amazing discrete performance) Audio GD C-2C Audio GD NFB-2   Sennheiser HD650 Grado SR325i (which will be for sale for 200$...
  17. Aynjell

    Omaha Head-Fi Meet New Date May 19/CE!

    Quote: I actually have a C-2C that is for sale. While it sounds better than a C-2, I'm keeping the C-2 because it fits better in my lifestyle.
  18. Aynjell

    Omaha Head-Fi Meet New Date May 19/CE!

    You still getting this organized Douger?
  19. Aynjell

    Pictures of your computer rigs! Post them here!

    Insanely handy to be able to clean up a mess or blow your nose without getting up. :)
  20. Aynjell

    Omaha Head-Fi Meet #3 - October 29th @ CE   Douger333 is going to be taking over. here is the link to his thread. Pile in folks.
  21. Aynjell

    Pictures of your computer rigs! Post them here!

    I'm getting my 680 tomorrow. I can't wait. ^_^
  22. Aynjell

    Omaha Head-Fi Meet #3 - October 29th @ CE

    More the merrier, all. I'm going to be skipping seeking sponsors this time and focus on just a pure event. We will all meet up at CE as per usual, I'll get larry and figure out the best date for him.
  23. Aynjell

    Omaha Head-Fi Meet #3 - October 29th @ CE

    I'm thinking we're going to try and skip all the raffle prizes this time and just get everyone together. If anybody else wants to try and organize sponsors, please do. :)   I simply will not have the time for it, but others have suggested that we do that. Can we all agree on a day in april...
  24. Aynjell

    Audio-GD NFB-2 & NFB-3 Delivery & Impression Thread

    As an update, I'm finding that the C2 is actually an overall improvement when using acss. just seems clean and clear to my ears. I need to do more 1 on 1's so I can figure out which one to sell but I'm reaching for the c-2 a lot more than the c-2c