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  1. g-fleury

    ER4-B With Headroom Amp

    I have a pair of ER4-S which I use with a Headroom Cosmic Amp. What my question is, is seeing as the Cosmic is on the darker side and rolls off the highs a little, as do the ER4-S’s, does anyone think, use, or have tried the ER4-B’s with this amp or any other Headroom amp? The way I have been...
  2. g-fleury

    Foamies or plastic tips on your ER-4's?

    I think each has it's avantages, to me the plastic tips offer more detail and the foamies more bass. That said I now use the foamies exclusively, once you remove the phones from your ears and the plastic tip stays behind and you are forced to go rooting around in there with a tweezers you'll...