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  1. Turner_Brown

    RS-1 Appreciation Thread starts here!!!!

    Quote: Originally Posted by silverrain There have been at least TWO changes in that time. do tell. Can you point me to pics of the "new design"?
  2. Turner_Brown

    RS-1 Appreciation Thread starts here!!!!

    Quote: Originally Posted by Varma Got my new Grado RS1 ( new design ) this afternoon. Just after four hours of burn-in they already sound amazing. Just imagining how they are going to sound after 100 hours of burn-in. They are light compared to my old SR325i. What is all this...
  3. Turner_Brown

    big bass from an earphone?

    Quote: Originally Posted by rbui budget? I'd rather not go over $250
  4. Turner_Brown

    big bass from an earphone?

    I'm looking to upgrade from my cx300's again. I once tried the E4c's but quickly sent them back because of a lack of low end (yes, I had a good fit). I loved the fit of the E4c's though. I will not be using these for critical listening. Some must haves are: Tight fit (love foamies) Big bass...
  5. Turner_Brown

    iGrado Article @

    I like how he says he's not going to compare them to the sr-60, but then continues to do so throughout the review.
  6. Turner_Brown

    shure E4c no bass?

    Quote: Originally Posted by PiccoloNamek I have a pair of Grados and I still think my E4Gs have more than enough bass. Are you using them unamped/un-EQ'd?
  7. Turner_Brown

    shure E4c no bass?

    Quote: Originally Posted by afobisme i have an iaudio X5L/e4c setup myself... the sound wasn't that great for the first 24 hours or so, but it got better for me. i can definitely tell you that e4c + X5L combo = pretty good, as in there IS bass. i only have the bass setting set to 4/10...
  8. Turner_Brown

    shure E4c no bass?

    Quote: Originally Posted by PiccoloNamek Wow, I never had to go through any of that to get great bass from my E4Gs. Perhaps we all just hear bass differently. possibly. It also depends on what you are used to. If you are coming from etys or stock buds you will more than likely...
  9. Turner_Brown

    shure E4c no bass?

    The E4 with foamies (great seal) straight out of an un'EQ'd ipod did not have nearly enough bass for me. Sure everyone once in a while a song would come along that the bass would sound okay...but that wasn't good enough for me. I shipped them back.
  10. Turner_Brown

    Really Impressed With RS-1's...

    Quote: Originally Posted by Computerpro3 I love my RS-1. It's made me stop lusting after other headphones ditto
  11. Turner_Brown

    E4C a disaster with iPod?

    Quote: Originally Posted by PiccoloNamek Of course, what constitutes a "good amount of bass" varies from person to person. Good point. As a point of reference....I think the sr60's, unamped/no EQ, out of the ipod, have just the right amount of bass for my tastes. I don't think...
  12. Turner_Brown

    E4C a disaster with iPod?

    Quote: Originally Posted by Habakkuk My e4 sound fantastic in the bass department out of an iRiver H120 with bass set at +6 or +8 db. Recently they have gotten even bassier probably due to being sufficiently broken in. In fact, in my setup the e4 is so bassy that I wouldn't want any more...
  13. Turner_Brown

    Shure e4g's just arrived...some questions

    Quote: Originally Posted by Zoide You can also try installing Rockbox on your 5g ipod. What are the benefits? I don't wanna bother with FLAC on it since the battery is such garbage. I don't use getting music too and fro isn't an issue for me (Anapod).
  14. Turner_Brown

    Shure e4g's just arrived...some questions

    Quote: Originally Posted by Habakkuk Turner, are you hezitant to switch to your H120 due to space constraints? Keep in mind that 40GB single platter Toshiba drive will be available later on this year. Personally, I'd switch from 5g and keep the H120 as a primary portable. Apple is simply...
  15. Turner_Brown

    extremely disappointed in Ec3's

    Quote: Originally Posted by ComfyCan There's nothing wrong with switching brands, but I can't agree with your premise. I do not like the sound of E3c's--at all. Even amped, with a great seal, they simply have no bass. That is just the most obvious flaw; there are others. To be equally...
  16. Turner_Brown

    extremely disappointed in Ec3's

    Quote: Originally Posted by LaBreaHead A short-term, low tech, approach would be to get something like the Creative EP 630 canal phones for under $30 (U.S.). Not as much isolation, as they're not true in-ear monitors, but comfortable, easy to use, louder than the E3's and priced nicely...
  17. Turner_Brown

    Shure e4g's just arrived...some questions

    Quote: Originally Posted by honda By the way, are you running your cables up around your ears or straight down? If you run them straight down, the Shure stem angle is backwards and will probably be difficult or even impossible to fit properly. I strongly recommend running them around the...
  18. Turner_Brown

    Shure e4g's just arrived...some questions

    Quote: Originally Posted by Habakkuk Turner, Have you tried adjusting EQ on your H120? I get enough bass to satisfy a basshead out of my EQed H120->e4. Try to do it and leave your SR-71 out of the chain. Yes....they do sound really great out of the h120 (rockbox) with the...
  19. Turner_Brown

    Will the Shure E2c foamies fit on the senn cx300?

    Quote: Originally Posted by honda I am curious by the way, how did your MD33s break? What happened to them and where is the damage? Just curious. Thanks! The first thing that happened to them was the rubber coating over the wire started to split by the "y". I used some tape to fix...
  20. Turner_Brown

    Shure e4g's just arrived...some questions

    Quote: Originally Posted by honda Hi Turner_Brown, The foam tips will allow a lot of the low frequencies from your new E4s to come through, but if what you mean by "more punch" is faster and stronger attack, you need to try the tri-flange tips (cut to the proper length to suit your...
  21. Turner_Brown

    Will the Shure E2c foamies fit on the senn cx300?

    Quote: Originally Posted by honda Hi Turner_Brown, Yes, the E2c foam tips absolutely will fit the CX300. They will likely be a few millimeters further away from your eardrum so you might experience a slight reduction in highs and maybe smoother bass, but yes, they will fit. They...
  22. Turner_Brown

    Will the Shure E2c foamies fit on the senn cx300?

    Sorry if this has been answered but searching didn't turn up anything. I used to mod some foam earplugs to put on my md-33's and it made them sound 10x better. Now I'm thinking about getting the cx300's to replace my broken md33's and I would rather just buy foam tips than keep hacking away at...
  23. Turner_Brown

    Shure e4g's just arrived...some questions

    Quote: Originally Posted by rx7_fan Heard the E500 as well as the E5c and the UE5c, the E4 is not on the same level regarding bass. I can imagine the e500's have more bass....but I'm starting to question whether I can get the bass I am looking for in an armiture driver. I am...
  24. Turner_Brown

    extremely disappointed in Ec3's

    Quote: Originally Posted by Slingblayde Yes Mevyn I tried the foamies also, I usually wear foam earplugs at work and they are very similar to the foam tips on the Ec3's. I think I am getting a good seal with just about all the tips, (I can feel the pressure of the seal, almost like my...
  25. Turner_Brown

    Shure e4g's just arrived...some questions

    Quote: Originally Posted by lostbobby have you heard E5c or UM2s? no. If I were to upgrade on the Shure route I would get the e500s (based on the e5c/e500 comparisons I've read here) no. haven't heard them either.