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  1. TM2 Rampage

    Can a powered 2.1 PC speaker system function as an amp?

    Well, I have this Creative I-spire 2.1 speaker setup... well, everything pretty much plugs into the subwoofer. The AC adapter, the 2 speakers, and this "remote" that is connected to the subwoofer via a cord. With this remote, you can adjust the volume and bass, and there's a headphone out port...
  2. TM2 Rampage

    Vibra Vibrating Headphones only $12

    12 dollars for headache-inducing, brain and hearing-damaging phones? I'm there!!
  3. TM2 Rampage

    voice not in the center of the headphone? what the?

    I'm gonna guess that it's a normal part of the recording.
  4. TM2 Rampage

    Keeping Your Ears Clean?

    Ear wax is supposed to naturally come out by itself. Warm showers and stuff should soften earwax and help it come out. Remember, don't stick your finger or q-tip in too deep; you'll just shove wax deeper into your ear and compact it, and/or risk damaging your ear drum...
  5. TM2 Rampage

    Submersible High Quality Headphones for Surfing and Swimming

    Quote: Originally Posted by jonasb Don't know about any submersible headphones ... But look at this, the "Aqua fm snorkel radio" . Has to be one of the weirdest and most useless inventions I've heard about. It doesn't use headphones at all, instead it "uses bone conduction technology to...
  6. TM2 Rampage

    Purchasing tommorrow! SR60 Vs. SR80. Please Help!

    1. True 2. Dunno 3. Dunno
  7. TM2 Rampage

    Got a great idea using glass for all the Grado fanboys and girls!

    Quote: Originally Posted by ProFingerSk8er i would love to see a pair of glass grados Uber-fragile Grados...
  8. TM2 Rampage

    Super chic $1750 headphones

    Quote: Originally Posted by BigD The clue is in the name of the file. They're sold on Madison Ave. of NYC for US$1750. These cans are done by a famous designer. Peh. We don't know his/her name, and even if we did, we wouldn't have heard of it. "Famous" my ass. =/ They look...
  9. TM2 Rampage

    SR-60 vs. HD590

    Quote: Originally Posted by Jasper994 I don't know, it depends on your priorities... If you want a very detailed headphone the 590 will win over the SR60. On the other hand, if you want a very balanced headphone, the SR60 is FAR more well balanced than the 590. BTW get the bowl pads...
  10. TM2 Rampage

    Why dont these songs play on my ihp120?

    Yeah, I have some mp3s that don't work on my Nomad Zen Xtra. Actually, it's just a particular set that I ... *cough*... pirated...
  11. TM2 Rampage

    New iPod Bag

    Quote: Originally Posted by plainsong And it's not even well designed..boxy, ugly, and not very good at what it does. All that room and he couldn't have put individual pockets for each ipod? His babies will get all scratched and damaged with that cheap netting there. Don't even...
  12. TM2 Rampage

    New iPod Bag

    Geez... Is there no justice in this world?
  13. TM2 Rampage

    buzzing in SR-60's

    Is there foreign material in the phone? Like hair?
  14. TM2 Rampage

    Small mod to the Grado SR60

    My tools: 1 quarter 1 X-acto knife
  15. TM2 Rampage

    Etys, im scared to put these in...

    Quote: Originally Posted by rt297 Lick em and stick em. No worries. There's a lot of bacteria in spit... 8|
  16. TM2 Rampage

    various Grado Labs Headphones

    HP series= yeaaaah discontinued... PS-1= It was a limited custom run for German dudes... Alessandro series= still around...
  17. TM2 Rampage

    a quick experiment/tip for all xtra+er4P owners

    Ehhh. I use Grado SR60s... I think the Disco preset sounds pretty good, except for some distortion here and there. Oh, and the fact that it seems to drain the batteries faster. =(
  18. TM2 Rampage

    Received Grado SR-60's... A little help

    Quote: Originally Posted by geek42 I eagerly ripped the Grado's out of the box, and plugged em in to the sound card (which is on hi-rez mode, fwiw), and was promptly dissapointed. The sound was flat, didn't have the punch i was used to, and the phones sounded generally tinny, and...
  19. TM2 Rampage

    iriver IGP-100

    Isn't there some sort of pirating protection it?
  20. TM2 Rampage

    Sennheiser PX-100 vs. Grado SR-60?

    Quote: Originally Posted by kent1146 The best thing you can do for your SR-60s is to use scissors to cut a hole in the middle of your pads. The hole should be about the size of a quarter. This is called the Grado Quarter Mod. This will really let a lot of the highs "sparkle" through...
  21. TM2 Rampage


    Thanks! Nice pictures... weird interface...
  22. TM2 Rampage

    A comprehensive Dell DJ review badly needed..

    So how are you supposed to replace the battery?
  23. TM2 Rampage

    E3 Failure

    Quote: Originally posted by cmascatello They do, but when you are using these almost hidden canalphones, they often are not able to tell that you are listening to tunes. And, what's better, with the canalphones in I am unable to hear the pilot's messages and have no idea when we hit the...
  24. TM2 Rampage

    What does the "SR" mean in the Grado headphone names?

    ^ Eh maybe... Or how about SR= Sub-Reference?
  25. TM2 Rampage

    Shure or Etymotics ??

    Quote: Originally posted by toaster22 367 dollars. just e-mail idealsound and tell him you want a pair. you will not regret it... EDIT: just noticed his sponsorship link on the bottom of the page. It says 3,670 dollars.