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  1. deltaydeltax

    Circuit simulation help

    NI Multisim I give a thumbs down. It was a good tool when it was Electronics Workbench. NI bought it and ruined it.   LTSpice is used by everyone I work with. One person even uses TI Tina. Tina is a little clunky, and I don't get as much use out of it. Linear's tool is awesome!   The...
  2. deltaydeltax

    Help with power supply for a newly built cmoy headphone amp with split rail.

    I myself might go with an AC transformer, create a full-wave bridge rectifier circuit, use two larger electrolytic caps, two smaller value ceramics, and add two voltage indicating LEDs.
  3. deltaydeltax

    preference Digital or Analog Soldering Station

    I've used the ST50 and TD-100 pencil. A nice combination. I had near thirty different tips for the TD-100. I hope you enjoy your new setup.
  4. deltaydeltax

    preference Digital or Analog Soldering Station

    Another feature I like is the auto off with the digital station. Some analog have it too. It's much easier to look at the display and see a lower temperature due to auto shut-off.
  5. deltaydeltax

    Digital Volume Control

    My project ended up not using a digital pot at all. The cost of adding a VCA into the design was too great. For my own circuit, I'd go with a VCA.   I can't ever use a Maxim or Dallas Semiconductor part ever again. They bit me hard while working in the audio industry, and failed to deliver a...
  6. deltaydeltax

    Digital Volume Control

    Analog Devices makes some nice digital pots. I worked on a project many years ago where a digital pot was an option for replaced resistive pots. It was a short lived idea. The digital pots all had problems with "zipper noise" Each time a signal was sent to attenuate, or boost a signal, the pot...
  7. deltaydeltax

    preference Digital or Analog Soldering Station

    I have a Pace analog station, and a Pace digital station. I greatly prefer the digital over the analog. The digital has a feature which allows you to set a temperature and lock it so someone else can't come along and change it.
  8. deltaydeltax

    Best PCB program under $500?

    Quote: The prices of CAD software are amazingly high. I think the software vendors are realizing this. In the last year or so, Altium has been allowing people to obtain the software without dishing out thousands of dollars in one transaction. Hopefully the huge influx of free PCB...
  9. deltaydeltax

    Best PCB program under $500?

    I have over ten years experience with Altium tools. First started using Protel in 1998 or so. Then switched over to Mentor Graphics PADS for a year, then to P-CAD. Used P-CAD for ten or so years and finally don't do major PCB layouts anymore. All I can say is Altium kicks ass.   For free...
  10. deltaydeltax

    Please build me a speaker switch

    This has me so confused.Does the Onkyo receiver not have a switch for turning off the speakers? Most other receivers do.    
  11. deltaydeltax

    How much do relays effect the sound?

    That sounds like one nice relay. I found some a while back which has various gases in them also. Not sure what ever came of them though.
  12. deltaydeltax

    How much do relays effect the sound?

    Not all relays are sealed. The contacts can all be different too. I've seen copper contacts, silver contact, nickel plated something, and can't remember what else. Relays are cool though. I like them.
  13. deltaydeltax

    LM386 Balanced Amp

    I bridged a couple of LM386 chips once. There were three version of that chip at the time I had them. I can't remember how much power I ended up getting out, it was enough to run an 8-ohm speaker pretty powerfully though. My circuit involved and op amp to invert the phase going to one chip, the...
  14. deltaydeltax

    LED peak level indicator

    The best I was able to find is on the following link. If you look at page 10, it has a circuit called a "Limit Comparator". You actually only need one half of this circuit for what you want to do.   You basically set some reference voltage on one of the pins, and feed your signal to the...
  15. deltaydeltax

    LED peak level indicator

    Comparator circuit. That will do it.
  16. deltaydeltax

    If you have to possibility to built yourself a headphone's driver, what will look like?

      You can use the simple DC resistance equation to find the length of magnet wire you'll need for various coil resistances:   The area of the wire you choose (A in the equation), is easier looked at in circular mils...
  17. deltaydeltax

    If you have to possibility to built yourself a headphone's driver, what will look like?

    I'm in no way attempting to discourage you, but it's a TON of work. When I worked for a speaker company (a pretty well known one too!), we spent years developing drivers. The magnets used to come in neodymium slugs from some Asian country, and we had a monster of a machine which turned the...
  18. deltaydeltax

    If you have to possibility to built yourself a headphone's driver, what will look like?

      It's a huge pain to make your own headphone drivers. I started doing it last year, and stopped working on it. The coil equations are found easily enough to calculate impedance. The wire is easy to buy on eBay and through other sources. The problems I had were with the magnets. They were all...
  19. deltaydeltax

    Transistor identification

    That tool looks pretty handy. I've only used the giant curve tracers which look as though they've been pulled from a battleship.
  20. deltaydeltax

    Transistor identification

    See if the local tech school, or college will allow you time on their curve tracer.
  21. deltaydeltax

    HD800 Connectors: Are you !@#$% kidding me!?

    That looks like a LEMO connector: LEMO Connectors When I worked in the audio industry as a pro, these devices all came with LEMO connectors: Listen Inc. - Electroacoustic, audio and audio electronics test & measurement careers
  22. deltaydeltax

    home made headphone - need advice

    I started winding my own voice coils for some headphone drivers. Then I got laid off from work and lost interest in continuing on with the project. My idea was to have my dad make me some silver cans to hold them. Nice shiny silver.
  23. deltaydeltax

    Making a decision about a phono preamp

    A PCB is no obstacle. Give me a good schematic and I can layout a board for you for a small fee. You'll get gerbers, ODB++ database files, and an IPC-D-356 netlist. I also built my own phono circuit. It is just a very simple circuit I got from National Semiconductor and features solid state...
  24. deltaydeltax

    China And Our Used Plastic

    I'm really sick and tired of people cutting down plastic Christmas trees for producing things such as plastic baggies, and plastic bottles... I really do hope someone comes up with a better way to recycle plastic, and also better uses for used plastic, regardless of where it's reprocessed.
  25. deltaydeltax

    Vias on SMT pads

    Quote: Originally Posted by _atari_ The guys over at screaming circuits suggest putting some solder mask over the vias. Makes perfectly sens to me. Sounds easier than your method. But I have not figured it out yet how to do it in eagle CAD - since there you define what to leave out of...