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  1. Pure Quickness

    Needing some earphone shopping recommendations (~$300 dollar, maybe 350 dollar, if necessary, CAD budget)

    Hello:   I've looked at a lot of the ratings of different earphones. But I still can't make sense of it all, despite so many brand names.   Just to make this quick and easy, I'll provide a list of what I need in an earphone and if possible, some recommendations please!   - earphones...
  2. Pure Quickness

    Ultimate Ears Super Fi Pro - sound in the right housing seems to be "quieter" and less reactive than left (past warranty)

    I have the pre-Logitech Super Fi 5 Professional earphones, which means these are the dual armature ones, with white housing and grey stock earbuds.   It seems that the right housing right now is less reactive than the left, which is annoying. I ordered another replacement cable just to see...
  3. Pure Quickness

    An amp that complements the ER-6i earphones?

    Are amps necessary for the ER-6i earphones? If so, what could you guys recommend which would complement it nicely? I'm relatively new to the earphones scene and this is my first purchase which succeeded my lowly stock Ipod white earphones Please keep the suggestions affordable (i.e. Under...