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  1. Theresamarie1

    Opinions: MSB LINK III, Monarchy 22C, Rotel 970bx??

    HI all, After upgrading my speakers and pre-amp, and phono it's now time to focus on my digital side. I have a rotel 970bx player which sounds pretty good, at least compared to my old denon dcd 810. I'm looking at a DAC upgrade: My choices are: Monarchy 22C MSB link III full nelson...
  2. Theresamarie1

    Suggestions to make less bright

    What would you suggest to make my system less bright? B&K pre-amp and amplifier (using phono stage of pro-5) HK T65C turntable Tara Labs Axiom/Prime interconnects. Blue Point cartridge Klipsch Forte Speakers The bluepoint adds details over the grado at the expense of added noise and...
  3. Theresamarie1

    Making analog system less bright

    I've been upgrading my system and am wondering whether speaker cables will help reduce some of the brightness. I'm using a B&K Pre-amp in bypass mode to a B&K St-140 amp. My turntabe is an HK T65C with a bluepoint high output MC cartridge. CD player is a Rotel RCD-970bx. I'm using Tara Labs...
  4. Theresamarie1

    Opinions on Quad 12L

    Hi, I'm wondering if any of you have or have heard Quad 12Ls? I'm currently auditioning them at home this weekend as my local Audiophile dealer is going out of business. I really didn't need another pair of speakers at this time, but he's a great guy and needs to get rid of all of this nice...
  5. Theresamarie1

    My first Headphone imaging experience!! Cool!

    Well today I was playing a used album I had picked up on for the first time. I was wearing my A900s. The album is Iron Butterfly, In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida.. I know I know.. old stuff. but I can be a little nostalgic. On to the event: I was listening to side 2, "In-a-..." which plays for 17 minutes...
  6. Theresamarie1

    Continuous popping on what looks clean??

    I've been buying a bit of used and new vinyl recently (more used) and found an old James Taylor album which looks very clean. The problem is that it seems to pop continuously. I cleaned it before playing but it makes tons of noise. What could this be due to? How can I determine before I buy that...
  7. Theresamarie1

    Where to go from here?

    I currently have a B&K pre and amp and an old Denon DCD-810 CD player. They're driving a pair of Klipsch Fortes or Snell J's. I also run a Harman Kardon TC-65C turntable with Grado RED cartridge but right now only have a small collection of vinyl and very large CD collection. I'm wondering...
  8. Theresamarie1

    Do any headphones provide a soundstage?

    One of the things that I've been looking for and not getting with all of my recent headphone purchases, is soundstage. In fact I've used the word (soundstage) to describe the "largeness" of the sound which seems inaccurate to me. In other words, how big the room between my ears seems to be. No...
  9. Theresamarie1

    Peace and Happy Holidays to all!

    To all my new audiophile friends. Peace and Happy Holidays from my family and I... I have 2 almost 2 weeks off to spend with my kids, ski and listen to music. I hope you all have some equally good holiday fun. Sincerely,
  10. Theresamarie1

    Converting DVD-A to MP3

    Does anyone know how to get MP3s from your DVD-As without doing a line out to a recorder? is there any way through software? Thanks,
  11. Theresamarie1

    Grado ZT+ cartridge?

    Hi, I have an old Grado ZT+ cartridge laying around that came with my turn-table 15 years ago and I just shelved it. Does anyone know what it is (MM, MC) or whether it's any good or not?
  12. Theresamarie1

    Rejuvinated turntable

    I took my vintage Harmon Kardon T65C turntable to my high end audio dealer to see if he could tune it up as well as put a new cartridge on it. I was surprised by the reception I got. First upon looking at the turntable the guys told me that I should never sell it and that my turntable couldn't...
  13. Theresamarie1

    Complimentary phones to the HD580?

    Not sure if this is a sensible quesiton or not, but I'll ask. At many peoples recommendation, and KR's coupon lead, I've purchased the HD580s and have not been listening to anything else since getting them. They're great for just about everything but good old classic hard rock. In this genre...
  14. Theresamarie1

    Karma drives HD580

    I just received some Sennheiser HD580s and found that they can be successfully driven by the Karma portable to reasonable levels. Maybe not to ear-bleed volumes but certainly sufficient to listen casually. And sound pretty darn good. Given that my pimeta only lasts around 5-7 hours on 2 9V...
  15. Theresamarie1

    My Audio Epiphany

    This may be off topic, if it is, moderators please feel free to delete it or put it in it's place. I've had really nice audio gear for the last 15 years or so but not nice headphones. I think my recent dive into headphones has super-sensitized my ears to the point that I'm now critiquing all...
  16. Theresamarie1

    Best Place to Audition Headphones in SJ, CA

    I'm heading out to San Jose, CA for a few days on business and am wondering if there's any place in the area (bay area) which might carry high end headphones where I can audition a few pairs. Since I've already got the Sennheiser 580s on order and Grado 225s in hand, I am interested in hearing...
  17. Theresamarie1

    Help! I Can't Decide, HD580, A900s, AK271s Other?

    I have read so many forum entries and reviews I'm getting dizzy. I have a headphone amplifier, a Tempo with upgrades and currently have SR225s, SR80s (both of which can be drivin by many things without a headphone amp), ER-6's and what seems like countless portable headphones (px200s...
  18. Theresamarie1

    Help! I Can't Decide, HD580, A900s, AK271s Other?

    I have read so many forum entries and reviews I'm getting dizzy. I have a headphone amplifier, a Tempo with upgrades and currently have SR225s (which can be drivin by many things without a headphone amp), ER-6's and what seems like countless portable headphones (px200s portapros, mx-500...
  19. Theresamarie1

    Best Headphones for Classical and Jazz?

    Can I get some opinions on headphones which would best serve Classical and Jazz? I've done searches and there must be 1000's of postings including classical and after going through a couple hundred I don't have a very clear picture, so forgive my redundent post please. Around $200.00 - $250.00...
  20. Theresamarie1

    Best Headphones for Classical and 60's Jazz

    Can I get some opinions on headphones which would best serve Classical and Jazz? I've done searches and there must be 1000's of postings including classical and after going through a couple hundred I don't have a very clear picture, so forgive my redundent post please. Around $200.00 - $250.00...
  21. Theresamarie1

    Use iPod holster for ihp-120

    I apologize if this was said elsewhere, I looked but didn't find it. I am wondering if anyone has tried to put the ihp-120 into the ipod holster and whether it fits nice and snug? I believe you can buy these holsters seperately. The iriver ihp-120 comes with a nice case but it doesn't have...
  22. Theresamarie1

    Received my new Pimeta from headsave

    Hi all, I just received my new pimeta headsave amplifier. It's a tempo model with extra buffers and the nice potentiometer. This is a very very nice and well made product. It isn't sexy looking but it performs very well. It's what's inside that counts. The output is crisp and clear right up...
  23. Theresamarie1

    Another opinion on Karma vs. iHP-120

    To all, This is the short version, and after a couple more weeks of listening I may update my overall impression. Baseline: I am no true audiophile but know what I like and have a very diverse music collection. I'm also an Development Engineer geek so have some idea of what goes into these...
  24. Theresamarie1

    Upgrade from archos 20gb?

    I've been wanting to upgrade my portable music equipment which currently stands as an archos 20gb multimedia player and numerous portable headphones (portapros, sony earbuds, grado gr80s, ety er-6's). I'm looking for both a more compact and lighter package as well as higher music quality. To...
  25. Theresamarie1

    Questions for new amp purchase

    Hi, Am a new member and have a couple of newby questions, which have probably been answered before but I couldn't find the answers in numerous searches and going through 10's of pages of various queries. I saw many posts mentioning the things I'm asking about but never crystal clear to me...