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  1. OvidiuDanut

    Help me choose a closed can!

    Hi! I need a pair of closed cans that meets the following: 1) Very good noise sealing (in/out) 2) As confortable/light as it can get; 3) Non agressive but melodic sound; 4) Price tag: max 150$. Thanks!
  2. OvidiuDanut

    E-MU 0404USB vs ibasso D1!

    Hi, i would be interested in a comparaison sq wise on the dac side, and on the amp side of the two units... Has anyone by any chance compared them?
  3. OvidiuDanut

    Cowon iaudio 7 8Gb vs Sony NWZA818BLK 8GB vs Trekstor Vibez 12Gb!

    Well, after alot of pondering, i decided to go with the one which will result from this Poll! I know all the specs and now i just want to know what would the majority buy. I'll say the cons that i dont like at each of them: 1) Vibez - HDD based; 2) Cowon - kind of bulky looking; very small...
  4. OvidiuDanut

    Choose from Trekstor Vibez and Cowon iaudio 7!

    Hi, i mainly want a ~200$ DAP with the best SQ in this range. After reading alot of reviews and posts here on head-fi, i narrowed down the options to these two modells: Trekstor Vibez HDD 12 Gb and Cowon iaudio 7 8Gb. I have no issue regarding HDD vs flash. Anyone would do just fine. So i d...
  5. OvidiuDanut

    Grado RS-2 vs Aleessandro MS2i for classical!

    Hi! I have the opportunity to get a RS-2 SH right now but i dont know if i should because i'm thinking if MS2i could be better for classical. Since i'm pretty sure that there's no other thread comparing these head to head i'm asking pretty straight forward. Which one would you choose and why?
  6. OvidiuDanut

    Superb HP-1000 on ebay from reputable seller!

    While i was browsing ebay for Grado beauty a found a like-new Grado HP-1000 up for sale. They look absolutley new. Someone here grab them! Ohh....i wish i had the money for such a beauty....
  7. OvidiuDanut

    Danger of going deff from IEM's?

    I just spoke yesterday with a Full MD, a friend of mine, and he told me that using IEM's is the surest way to go deff. He explained me that no matter how low volume you use , the result is the same because the sonic wave just pushes 100% on the drum membrane. On the other hand listening in open...
  8. OvidiuDanut

    Grado SR-325i vs MS2i for classical!

    Hi, after reading almost all the threads i think regarding 325i and MS2i, i still cannot pinpoint which is better in the majority's opinion in classical. I ordered already a pair of 325i, and i need to know if i would have better bought instead MS2i. I have to warn you that i already dismissed...
  9. OvidiuDanut

    Recommendations for "audiphile" Beethoven!

    Hi! I start yet another thread for audiphile recommendations regarding Beethoven because i dont want to waste money on poor recordings. So i'm counting on your experience after you lost money
  10. OvidiuDanut

    Recommendations for "audiophile" Mozart!

    Hi! I would like to buy very well recorded and intepreted pieces of Mozart, especially symfonies. So i need your help in that matter. What do you guys suggest?
  11. OvidiuDanut

    Best headphone straight out of 5.5G IPOD!

    Hi, after a few months saga in the headphones world i found out that the best time give me the Grado's. I mean i have right now in front of me HD580, AKG 501 and Grado SR-60, and using them on a 1000$ source+ Creek OBH21SE, i still get the most listening pleasure out of the Grado's. But now...
  12. OvidiuDanut

    Tentlabs DIY cd-player!

    Hi! Has anyone heard how this cd-player sounds? If would you describe its sound? And comparaisons with other cd-players within its price range and with DAC's like lavry DA10....
  13. OvidiuDanut

    Creek OBH21SE vs Heed Canamp!

    Hi, i currently have the creek OBH 21SE and i'm thinking about canamp, but i'm not sure if its worth the effort. So i would very much appreciate if people who heard them both could tell me about the differences between them. As cans i have a HD580 and i just bought a K501. 10x
  14. OvidiuDanut

    Sonic differences between HD580 and HD650?

    Hi, i know that there are many circumstantial opinions in other threads regarding differences between HD580 and HD650. I read i think 99% of them but i still cant understand correctly exactly how big are they.... So please advise me. I have HD580 and i dont really like it because of the veil...
  15. OvidiuDanut

    Best heaphone that hit the point of diminuishing return!

    Hi, i started this thread after looking if there a similar one and its not, and i think thats interesting to find out peoples opinion about exemple of headphones or perhaps just a single one that hits that spot of diminuishing return, spot that if its crossed over you pay more and more for less...
  16. OvidiuDanut

    Name the best three music recording companies!

    Hi, i'm planning of buying only very good recordings of classical music and i need to know where from to buy, as in recording companies! So name the first 3 you think are best!
  17. OvidiuDanut

    M-Audio audiophile 2496 vs Sonica Theater!

    Hi , im considering buying one of these two soundcards just to use them to deliver S/PDIF signal into an external DAC. Which of them do you think it can deliver cleaner signal?
  18. OvidiuDanut

    Which option you think is better?

    Hi, this very week i'll get a pair of High End Senns and a better source than i already have. I have in mind 2 major options, and here they are: 1) E-MU 0404USB + HD595 ( new from the store) 2)E-MU 0404 internal + Creek OBH SE21 + HD580 (all second hand); Which of the options above you...
  19. OvidiuDanut

    E-MU 0404 USB vs RME DIGI PAD 96/8!

    Hi, i wonder which of the two soundcard provides superior sound quality, considering that they cost about the same price ~200 euro. E-mu USB is a new soundcard but on the other hadn RME DIGI was about 500 euro when it first came out, and i heard that in terms of musicality RME DIGI is on the...
  20. OvidiuDanut


    Hi, im considering buying 0404 USB but recently i discovered Meier Corda Aria as a all in one solution, but from what i heard superior to 0404USB. I'd like to use one of those first with HD595 but later with HD650. Is there anyone who compared these two? If, so what do you think, is Meier Corda...
  21. OvidiuDanut

    E-MU 0404 USB vs E-MU 1212M !

    Hi guys, i narrowed down my search for a sound card to go with HD595 to these two and i wonder which one would suit best for the action. So what do you think about it?
  22. OvidiuDanut

    HD 595 driven by an mp3 player?

    Hi, i wonder if a pair of HD 595 could be driven decently by a mp3 player like iriver T10, or ipod. Could a mp3-player as iriver/ipod be as good as a sound card like M-audio audiophile 2496 to drive these cans?