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  1. JohnnyCakes

    The Three Kings: Utopia ~ LCD-4 ~ HE1000v2

    I'm thinking of adding the HiFiMAN HE1000v2 to my arsenal to complete the trio.     I have not heard the HE1000v2.  Is it worth getting if I already have the LCD-4 and Utopia?  I think the Focal and the Audeze have enough distinct traits that make them complementary to each other and worth...
  2. JohnnyCakes

    why is nothing available? everything is on backorder!!!

    I have a lot of hobbies... but none of them compare to the headphone game in the sense that i am LOOKING to give my money away and there are precious few vendors willing/able to take it.   In the past month, i have tried to buy:   Focal Utopia - called all around, nobody has it...
  3. JohnnyCakes

    need amp to drive Denon D5000's? ($300-$400 range)

    don't need a DAC. was thinking either the Headroom Micro or the Gilmore Lite. what would you suggest? I'm clueless. thanks in advance...