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  • Users: Braekfast
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  1. Braekfast

    Dead portapro, please help me find new headphones for my dad

    Hello head-fi, I come to you for sage advice once again. I came here years ago for advice. Back then, I got reccomended the HD555 (for home use) and the Koss Portapro (for taking with me). My HD555's must be around 8-9 years old or something at this point, and they're still going strong. You...
  2. Braekfast

    Portable and desktop amp reccomendations

    Hello   I am currently using a rockboxed sansa fuze + portapros/ve-monk earbuds as my portable setup. At home I use my trusty HD555's straight from my pc.    I was wondering if I would get a noticable bumb in audio quality if I got an amp/dac for either of these? And if this is the case, if...