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  1. eighteen_psi

    Poll: How do you like your Senn MX?

    These seem to be the center of some extreme polarity of opinion. I love mine but perhaps it's because I have the ideal type of ear for them and/or how I wear them etc. How do you like yours?
  2. eighteen_psi

    Got a new camera today :) (PICS)

    (Sorry if any of y'all have seen this on other forums and are growing tired of it) Got most of my help here so I felt compelled to post what I decided upon! After debating for a while and spending the last couple months looking around, I finally ruled out a new camera due to the lack of...
  3. eighteen_psi

    Bay Area 11/30 Meet Impressions!

    First off, a big thanks to Bob for hosting…cool place I took a couple rolls of pictures that I should have developed and scanned up by the end of the week here. Bob took a few too so we should be well covered for gear/people pics. I have limited time to devote to this tonight so I’ll go through...
  4. eighteen_psi

    Anyone in here care to offer photography advice?

    Being a graphic design student, I discovered long ago its far cheeper to shoot my own stock images than buy them from an agency and have been getting buy with an old-school Fujica STX-1 SLR (fully manual) with a 50mm 1:1.9 X-Fujinon Lens. I've decided that my Christmas present to myself this...
  5. eighteen_psi

    iTunes-like frontend for foobar playback?

    Despite my best efforts, I actually like iTunes for PC...I've yet to find anything that can manage my MP3 library (almost 400GB of personally ripped albums and another 20 or so of misc. stuff) with any reasonable speed. That said, the playback quality is nowhere near what I've come to...
  6. eighteen_psi

    Quickie Berkeley Meet Possible?

    I'm looking at buying/trading for a pair of HD600's with clou blue cables and was wondering if anyone in the Berkeley area has the said setup I could audition? I'll buy ya dinner for the trouble or somethin Last time I had a chance to play with other setups I didn't have my amp so...yeah. I'd...
  7. eighteen_psi

    AKG K-340 ?'s

    Having been unable to trade out my SR325's for something more to my liking so far (like...HD600's) I've been looking around more. A thread here offers AKG K-340's for trade (details are not specified and we'll be working through that via PM of course). I'm wondering if anyone can describe...
  8. eighteen_psi

    Source -> 24/96 -> Amp?

    Anyone do this? Is using a sound card as an intermediary preamp worth a damn? I've tried with my POS sony changer and it sounds as good as through anything else...I'm considering getting a CDP with remote so I can listen from bed and control it from there (Plex drives in the computer are the...
  9. eighteen_psi

    Interest Check: Meet at Expression Ctr (Emeryville)

    I have been given permission to at least entertain the notion of a meet at my school ( to check it out if interested). They've got plenty-o-room (on weekends usually), more gear than you can shake a hat at (though as I'm a Graphic Design student, not sound, I can't play with...
  10. eighteen_psi

    New Pad...with PICS!

    I've posted this at just about every other forum I frequent so might as well here too....its on Dwight in Berekely for locals who might know the area.
  11. eighteen_psi

    DIY Speaker Cable Goodness

    AKA how I Spent my saturday: Just finished braiding these this afternoon. All custom extruded by yours truely, silver 10AWG (one positive, one negative and one null). I'm still waiting on the real bannanas and pins for it so I'm using nothing on the amp end (old reciever) and monster...
  12. eighteen_psi

    The official IndustroMETA Porn Thread

    Been busy lately so haven't had a chance to post pics until now. Its been seen before but the pics are red X's now so..heres some new ones. Note: The wretch along the back is adhesive to re-attach the rear pannel (original JB weld was getting weak). I'll clean it up when I have some free time to...
  13. eighteen_psi

    Emeryville Housing Advice

    This summer or fall, depending on availability and how long it takes me to get hosing sorted out, I'm going to be starting at Expression Center for New Media ( if anyone wants to check it out) in Emeryville. I've decided to not commute due to the extensive time needed for the...
  14. eighteen_psi

    Look at what I got!

    Got this amp, a pair of Grado 325s (and a bunch of stuff not applicable here) in a recent computer-gear trade. It'll be here early next week.
  15. eighteen_psi

    Recommend me a cheep preamp :)

    For my sat/sub setup I currently have as follows: Onkyo SE-U55 USB Sound as my source Onkyo A-5 Integrated Amp for power ALR/Jordan Entry-S (4" aluminum cone, 1" silkdome) Mains M&K V-2B Subwoofer (125W 12", modified for 12db dynamic headroom and servo control). I have the outputs of...
  16. eighteen_psi

    What makes a good cable good?

    I've mentioned a couple times before that I'm looking into making some upgrade cables for various headphones (580/600 to start with since I have a pair to test on) as well as power cables and possibly interconnects (I have connections for the wire stock, production equipment etc). So, what...
  17. eighteen_psi

    Considering Amp Trade..opinions?

    Shown here I've talked a bit to the owner about the sound of it and seems to be to my liking from what he describes (going to listen to it tonight). Has selectable crossfade as well as an impedence switch and a defeatable bass boost ( ) I'm interested in some opinions on whats inside...
  18. eighteen_psi

    Terminals for HD 580 cables?

    I've done some homebrew RCAs and connectors of other sorts (my old man runs a custom cable design/manufacturing place locally) and I have access to all sorts of cable stock, jacketing and such. Does anyone here know/have access to: Ideas (cross sections) for design? Terminals? (for Senn 580s...
  19. eighteen_psi

    Modifiying Onkyo SE-U55 for Headphone amp?

    Anyone seen one of these and thought about this? I relalize you couldn't cram a deadly serious amp into one (especially with the existing pcb in there) but would it be possible to give the weak headphone jack some more power somehow? If I could get some power out of it would be cool not having...
  20. eighteen_psi

    How 'strong' are HD580 drivers?

    I was 'DJ'ing' a party for new years...laptop -> a couple of nice recivers, a ton of speakers and subs...louder than hell. Mmy HD580's were sitting out there (I know, its stupid..but they're far cheeper than the laptop). I had used them to eq the speakers before everyone showed up since they're...
  21. eighteen_psi

    My HD580s & Onkyo A-5

    I recieved my HD580's from newegg a week or so ago and have gotten them at least somewhat broken in since...I'm amazed the difference a few dozen hours has made Frankly they sounded like crap to me out of the box..highs were shriller than shrill...but they sound choice now. Coming from my...
  22. eighteen_psi

    Sennheiser HD 580 Questions

    Greetings! Based on what I've read (lurking around here mostly) I decided on the newegg deal for a pair of HD 580s. I will most likely be purchasing an amp for them at some point if I am unhappy with them on what I've got now. Reason for purchase was mainly that, since I've become acustomed...