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  1. Bipolarsmile


    Hey guys, I currently have the JDS O2+ODAC combo. I thought of getting the Element II as an upgrade. i was wondering how much of an upgrade would that even be? Would appreciate your opinions.
  2. Bipolarsmile

    Apollo twin vs OBJECTIVE2+ODAC with HD800s

    Hello, I`m quite a newbie when it comes to headphone gear. I had my HD650 for a couple of years and i thought i would upgrade to the HD800S after hearing them. My question is that i have an Apollo twin for music recording and my O2. Should i connect my HD800s to the apollo or the O2 for...
  3. Bipolarsmile

    Which DAC to get for my HD650

    Hey guys, Im new here,not sure if this is the right place to post this at. Currently i have my Sennheiser HD650 with a Xonar Essence Stx which i tought about upgrading. i heard got stuff about the Audioengine D1 and Fiio E17 So my questions are if either one of them is an improvement? Will...