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  1. rogerthatmand

    Crack + Speedball vs. Valhalla 2 (for the HD800)

    Hello, I recently got the HD800 and I'm looking for an amp to pair with them. I can't decide between the Crack with the Speedball upgrade, or should I go for the Valhalla 2. Unfortunately, I can't hear them myself, so I'll have to take your recommendations very seriously.   Help...
  2. rogerthatmand

    About to change my entire gear, need some help with putting it all together

    Hey there, Not a long time ago, I made a poor purchasing decision, and went with the Sennheiser HD700 and O2+ODAC. Both are great, but for someone who like it more warm and laid-back kinda sound, I just can't listen to music with it anymore. The treble really hurts.   Now I'm about to change...
  3. rogerthatmand

    Extremely disappointed of my combo - HD700 + O2/ODAC

    Hey there, Almost a year ago I purchased the combo of Sennheiser HD700 and the DAC+AMP - JDSLabs O2+ODAC.. And I'm really disappointed of it :( It happens even at the beginning, it was TOO bright and spiky. Sometimes it actually hurt my hear. So I decided that I have no choice but to change my...
  4. rogerthatmand

    Sennheiser HD650/HD800 + WooAudio WA7 OR Schiit Valhalla 2 & Schiit Bifrost

    Hey, I'm about to buy the Sennheiser HD650 or the HD800 and I'm looking for a good amp and DAC too. I searched everywhere on the forum and I still far away from decision. I'm a little confused and wanna know which should I choose. The Schiit combo as I mentioned at the title OR the WA7...
  5. rogerthatmand

    An audiophile wants to enjoy music once and for all needs your help!

    Hey everyone, I'm a big audiophile but I really don't enjoy my gear and wish for a lot better. I have tons of CD's and a 3GB FLAC music library in my computer. As for now, my gear is pretty simple - I have onboard Sound Card. My motherboard is Gigabyte Z77-D3H. And I have nice headphones...
  6. rogerthatmand

    An audiophile wants to enjoy music once and for all needs your help!

    Hey everyone, I'm a big audiophile but I really don't enjoy my gear and wish for a lot better. I have tons of CD's and a 3GB FLAC music library in my computer. As for now, my gear is pretty simple - I have onboard Sound Card. My motherboard is Gigabyte Z77-D3H. And I have nice headphones...