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  • Users: Jademalo
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  1. Jademalo

    HD800 - Pad Cleaning

    I've had my HD800s for coming up to a year now, and considering they sit on my head for 12+ hours per day, it's getting to the point where they seriously need a wash.   I'm not too worried about the actual process of removing the pads or the headband, but I do have a question regarding...
  2. Jademalo

    Xonar Essence STX - Electronic Noice when using Speaker out

    To preface - This has only started recently, which is why I'm so confused.   I have this card in a in PCIEX1_1 with SLI GTX570s in the x16 and x8 slots. Using the headphone out with a pair of HD800s with the internal amp set for...
  3. Jademalo

    Any way to test balance?

    I can't help but have a nagging feeling that my sound output isn't completely balanced. It feels like the right channel is just one or two notches weak, but I can't tell for sure. I want to do an objective balance test, rather than it being subjective to my hearing. If this is the case, what...
  4. Jademalo

    Need advice on HD800s + Amps

    I'm in a situation currently where I can potentially get myself a pair of HD800s. I had a listening test with a pair of them and some HD700s yesterday, and I absolutely love the sound of them.   I also would be in a position to get a Lehmann Black Cube Linear Headphone Amp, and from what...