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  1. dizzyorange

    Halide DAC HD review and comparison to irDAC, D1050, Dragonfly, Explorer

    I've been enjoying this little DAC for a few weeks now. I first became interested in it after Stereophile gave it a Class A recommendation. For a while it was it by far the cheapest Class A source component they had on their list. Recently I decided to order one—and let me warn you here that...
  2. dizzyorange

    Yaqin SD-CD3 mod

    First, I'm not sure if this post is against the rules of this forum.  If it is, please remove it!   I did read the rules post but I didn't see anything specific on this.   I am wondering if any DIYer has a bit of free time and wouldn't mind helping me mod my Yaqin SD-CD3. I am not...
  3. dizzyorange

    KEF LS50 Bookshelf Loudspeaker Review

    Now that my KEF LS50s have about 50 hours of burn-in, I wanted to give some brief impressions.     First a very short bit of introduction: The LS50s were created by KEF to celebrate their 50th anniversary. They were Stereophile's Product of the Year in the 2013.  They are listed at $1500.  ...
  4. dizzyorange

    Foobar oversampler SoX

    I've been using the SoX oversampling plugin for foobar lately at 192khz and very high.  Love the sound - 3D and super smooth treble.  Just wanted to share the info in case anyone wanted to try it.  
  5. dizzyorange

    Dali Zensor 3

    Has anyone heard these?  Thinking of getting a pair.  Maybe pair them with an NAD 3020 D.  What do you guys think.
  6. dizzyorange

    Who's been here the longest?

    I remember when I lurked for 2 years before signing up in 2005!  My first pair of headphones: KSC-55 — in all honesty still my favorite pair of headphones ever.   Now it seems I'm the grandfather.  All you newbs signed up in like 2012.   Anyone been here longer than me?  Reply so I don't...
  7. dizzyorange

    What's the name of that song they play in hockey or basketball arenas?

    This is killing me.  This song used to get played a lot in the 90s at NHL or NBA games.  It's got a techno melody for a chorus that goes like   dadada  da da da da da  dadada da da da da da dadada  da da da da da  dadada da da da da da   I think it might have been in one of those SNES NHL...
  8. dizzyorange

    Audience ClairAudient The One speakers

    I heard these at a friend's tonight and thought they sounded terrific.  Very cohesive and headphone-like sound.  Wonder if it's because of the single driver (not counting the passive rear bass driver)?  Thinking about picking a pair up.  Anyone have any experience with these?  
  9. dizzyorange

    Classical music recommendations

    I used to dislike classical music but am starting to appreciate it. The other night, I listened to Beethoven's 13th, 14th, & 15th string quartets (Quartetto Italiano) in pitch darkness with a glass of wine.   It was so beautiful.  Sad and cruel as well.  It was really emotional.  I...
  10. dizzyorange

    Is 80% of "hi-fi" just EQ?

    My hi-fi journey has evolved in ups and downs, back and forth from believer to skeptic.  Recently since discovering the sound science forum I feel more informed than ever.  But also more skeptical in a lot of ways.  I'm starting to believe a great deal of we call "hi-fi" is just EQ.  Given that...
  11. dizzyorange

    Why do some bands release the exact same songs on EPs as their albums?

    EPs are a real mystery to me.  Are there any musicians or people in the music industry here that can shed some light on why exactly bands release EPs?  I can understand it if there are actually new songs on an EP, like if an artist has a theme they want to explore but it isn't long enough for an...
  12. dizzyorange

    Why do FLAC files vary so much in size?

    I'm trying to understand how FLAC files can vary so much in size.  Some FLAC files of classical music can be in 400-500kbps, while rock tracks are often nearer to 1000kbps.  Since FLAC is lossless, no information is being thrown away, isn't FLAC pretty much like an advanced form of a ZIP file...
  13. dizzyorange

    My gripe with replaygain (foobar)

    I play tracks on shuffle so replaygain is a necessity, but I find it "overcompensates".  For example, heavy metal will be very quiet and then a soft acoustic track will be overwhelmingly loud.  I want some volume equalization, but I still want tracks are supposed to be loud to be loud, and...
  14. dizzyorange

    Currently popular artist that you can't stand?

    Which (currently popular, 2012 or 2013) artist do you really really dislike?  Give a brief reason why too.  This is just for fun so obviously don't take offense at anything anyone else has written.  Mine is Arcade Fire - they make me fall asleep almost instantly.
  15. dizzyorange

    How anal are you about organizing your music collection?

    Do you keep everything perfectly named and tagged or do you just let it hang out?  Personally I make everything lowercase with mp3tag, capital letters give me eyestrain when scrolling through a big list of songs.  I also delete all ID3 fields except for artist, album, title, and track number...
  16. dizzyorange

    Does anyone prefer lossy over lossless for reasons other than filesize?

    I think I prefer the sound of mp3 over lossless.  I think the difference is very very small but FLAC does seem slighly more open than 320 or V0 mp3.  I did an ABX test and was able to get 100% (but only with careful scrutiny and only by listening to specific parts of songs over and over again, I...
  17. dizzyorange

    nightcore recommendations

    Post your nightcore favorites!  Here's one of mine:  
  18. dizzyorange

    how much of your music collection have you actually listened to?

    Just curious - some of you have collections in the 10,000s of songs - have you actually listened to all of the songs?  I have about 8000 songs in my collection and honestly only have actually played about 2/3 of the songs.
  19. dizzyorange

    Rega DAC

    Stereophile claims it's the warmest DAC of all time, and yet they like it.  They describe its sound as having "heft" and "weight."  This sounds like the absolutely perfect DAC for me.  Does anyone have one?  What do you think?
  20. dizzyorange

    What's the warmest least fatiguing inexpensive DAC?

    For $200 or less, what would you pick if the #1 priority was minimal listening fatigue? - something I can keep on 12 hours a day?  I know what causes fatigue for me is high frequency shrillness.  I like a nice liquid midrange and don't mind giving up detail.  Or should I just stick with my...
  21. dizzyorange

    I'm bummed :(

    I'm bummed :(.  I did an ABX test and was able to get 15/15 on 2 songs between FLAC and V0.  The songs I used were Vienna Teng - City Hall and Animals As Leaders - CAFO.  My equipment is just my motherboard audio (Realtek ALC898) speaker output to a pair of Audioengine A2 desktop speakers.  The...
  22. dizzyorange

    Which Jimi Hendrix album should I get next?

    My collection currently includes:   Are You Experienced? Axis: Bold As Love Electric Ladyland Blues Valleys of Neptune People, Hell and Angels Live at Woodstock Blue Wild Angel - Live at the Isle of Wight     Can anyone suggest what to get next?  
  23. dizzyorange

    Styrofoam as speaker stand

    I needed to lift some AudioEngine A5's off of the desk and ended up wrapping two blocks of styrofoam with electrical tape to use as temporary stands until I could make some from wood.  I was really impressed with how the speakers sounded on the styrofoam but attributed it to lifting the speakers...
  24. dizzyorange

    Mixtape for a girl

    nvm was a dumb question 
  25. dizzyorange

    Anything top ksc-35 in past few years?

    Been out of head-fi for a while. Looks like there's a new Senn! pretty exciting but I'm looking for some cheapo phones for now. Seems like ksc35 is pretty hard to find nowdays, and I'd prefer buds anyway. Any suggestions? Like to keep it <$40. Just gonna be running straight out of an ipod or...