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  • Users: clairyvic
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  1. clairyvic

    Best Portable Amp for HD650 in the 300-400$ range?

    Hello everyone, I'm looking for a portable amp for the HD650, because I like to walk around my apartment while listening to music sometimes, and I don't like the idea of being restricted to one space while listening. I see lots of discussion on amps for the HD650, but few about portable ones...
  2. clairyvic

    Question about phase and minimum phase equalizers

    Many speakers meant for recreational listening have boosted or cut responses. For instance, many hifi speakers have scooped mids. My question is if the company that makes the speaker scoops the mids, will it have the same amount of phase distortion that taking a flat speaker and scooping the...
  3. clairyvic

    Looking for front ported bookshelf speakers with DEEP bass extension, budget: 5000$ for amp+speakers

    Hello, I'm looking for front ported bookshelf speakers with DEEP bass extension, budget: 5000$ for amp+speakers Any recommendations for bookshelf speakers that are front ported that: -Are front ported or sealed or just don't have the port in the back -Are fun and musical -Have deep bass...
  4. clairyvic

    What are the best bookshelf speakers for under 450?

    I love the sound of the JBL LSR 305's, but sadly they where rear ported so they sounded bad on my bookshelf. What's the best pair of bookshelf speakers for under 450$ would you say? It also needs to be able to be driven from my iPhone. Thanks very much in advance!
  5. clairyvic

    What's a headphone that sounds like the Momentum, but with a bigger soundstage?

    What's a Headphone that has a similarly warm, but not to warm, sound signature as the SENNHEISER MOMENTUM, but with a bigger sound stage?
  6. clairyvic

    What is the headphone with the most similar sound to the Momentums but with a bigger soundstage?

    I was just wondering. I have Momentums and I like the sound, but would want a headphone with a bigger soundstage.
  7. clairyvic

    Whats the headphone with the closest sound to the Sennheiser Momentum, but with bigger soundstage?

    Whats the headphone with the closest sound to the Sennheiser Momentum, but with a bigger soundstage? Thanks in advance! :)
  8. clairyvic

    What is the benefit to increasing the 16k range?

    For me it seems to make the music seem more "emotional" and less "flat" it makes it pop more I guess. Does anyone else feel this way or is it just placebo effect?
  9. clairyvic

    EQing bass

    What is the difference between EQing the 125 khz range and the 250 khz range?
  10. clairyvic

    Question about EQing headphones

    I have a question, lets just say I have my 16 k band on a ten band eq, and I boost it 2 db, then I boost the 1k range .5 db. Will the boost in the 1 k band "cover up" the boost in the 16 k range, and so I would have to boost the 16 k range band more to compensate?
  11. clairyvic

    24bit/96 khz vs 16 bit/41.1 khz

    In terms of subjective sound quality, how big is the difference to you personally? This song is in 16 bit/41.1 khz now, will be released on the album in 24 bit/96 khz, how big would the difference...
  12. clairyvic

    Using garage band to eq music?

    As most of you know custom EQs on iTunes don't transfer into iPod. Yet if I eq songs on GarageBand and put them back onto iTunes then I can have my custom eq in my iPod yet. 2 questions, How many Kbps will the mp3 files lose roughly during this process? Is there any way to to apply eqs to...
  13. clairyvic

    Will FOOBAR2000 custom EQs transfer onto my iPhone

    With the normal iTunes eq, if you make a custom eq it won't transfer onto the iPhone. Is this different with foobar? Can I transfer my custom eqs?
  14. clairyvic

    Any EQ iPhone apps with gapless playback???

    Almost every EQ app doesn't seem to load the next song in an album as the song im listening to is playing causing a small blip between songs which is annoying. Anyone know of any eq apps of more then 10 eq bands that have gapless playback
  15. clairyvic

    Anyone else getting excited for the new KAYO DOT album???

    A 96 minute conceptual epic, seems to be the most rock oriented album since Choirs, maybe even more so. It definately has even more of a metal influence then choirs, here's the unmastered album trailer: There using pre-orders to fund...
  16. clairyvic

    Will a larger soundstage from an amp allow me to hear the highs better

    I have this problem, i'm super sensitive to background hiss in recordings, in fact if you notice all recordings have a little bit. So I EQ the highs down yet then in my synesthetic head everything seems grey rather then colorful which isn't as fun. Will using an amp with a larger soundstage yet...
  17. clairyvic

    EQ Iphone app that doesn't have substantially lower volume then normal player?

    Currently I use an eq app that when I play music off of it it's much quieter then normal, if I boost the pre-amp up it hits distortion despite the fact that it's playing at less then normal max volume of the normal player, and i'm also EQing parts down so it's not like it's a headroom issue.
  18. clairyvic

    Iphone apps for increasing soundstage?

    Does anyone have any recommendations? Are there any? I looked but none said that's what they did specifically eyt I remember some I found a while ago that where supposed to do that, yet I forgot what they where called.  
  19. clairyvic

    EQing down over 8k makes it feel boring??

    I want to EQ out some hiss, yet EQing down the upper highs makes the recording seem so artificial and lifeless. Is there someway to lower the hiss yet still retain liveliness?
  20. clairyvic

    Any alternate (not itunes) music players for mac? with good eq for cans

    Any idea on music players for mac, that have good, many band eq's. The one on itunes doesn't transfer the eq settings to my iphone. :(
  21. clairyvic

    Alternate music players to itunes for mac??

    With good equalizers, lots of bands etc. And the EQ will transfer to my iphone 4? Anyone know of anything like this?
  22. clairyvic

    Amarok work for iphone4?

    Can anyone who uses this tell me if Amarok works for the iphone4? I can't find any info one way or the other.
  23. clairyvic

    What programs does one use to measure frequency response of cans?

    Are any free, would like to know how. Thanks! :)
  24. clairyvic

    Is there any iphone apps or any way to INCREASE tracks dynamic range?

    Sometimes I wish the difference between loud and soft parts where more for that emotional effect. Is there some way to do this?