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  • Users: MrAwesome
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  1. MrAwesome

    How huge is the upgrade from Grado SR80i to RS1i?

    Both used on a good pre-amp, and lossless audio. How huge is the upgrade from these too? I'm not talking about the money, but the sound? good improvements or bad?  Is it worth the upgrade? Cos I can start using my SR80i outside my house once I get the RS1i. 
  2. MrAwesome

    Can High Frequency Sounds break headphones?

    I own a pair of Grado Sr80i, and I connected it to my pre-amp which is also connected to my condenser microphone. I was testing out some settings on my pre-amp and maxed out the volume on it to test if the microphone was working. When I got to close too my condenser microphone this HUGE blast of...
  3. MrAwesome

    cMoyBB v2.03 Headphone Amplifier Build problem, Output?!

     The other day a friend of mine showed me his Cmoy amplifier fully charged, and let me borrow it. While using it I did a side by side comparison, of how my IPod source would sound with, and with-out an amp using my M50s. First I conducted a test without the Cmoy, then I tried testing it with the...
  4. MrAwesome

    How durable is the ATH- M50s cable? OCD problem please help!

    I just bought these new today, and since the cable was really long it was sagging down onto my carpet while listening to it at my homework place. I was not paying attention were the cable was at, just the music I was listening to, and  I kinda ran rolled over the little pile of cable that was on...
  5. MrAwesome

    Ears immune to sound-stage?

    Well I've been listening to so much music that has soundstage, with my Grado SR80i and My AKG 701's that my ear doesn't get tricked by soundstage! Its like immune to it, and everything just seems linear, and really 3-D.. This sucks so much.. I miss the feeling of being in or around the music...
  6. MrAwesome

    Gym Headphones?

    My apple earphones went deaf due to sweat and possibly intense movement, and I'm looking for headphones or earphones that under $100. I'm using them for intense workouts at the gym, such as running the tread mill, lifting weights, If there earphones I want ones that stick in your ear, because...
  7. MrAwesome

    IPod EQ (What setting do you use?)

    I use an Ipod Classic 7th Gen, and I used to have Beats Pro, and they sound great with Jazz EQ since it evens out the Bass just abit.. Now I moved on from that and I own a cMoyBB v2.03 R 2x9 customized so it sounds in pair with my AKG K701 which still needs to be burned in.   Jazz dosn't sound...
  8. MrAwesome

    Counter-fit or legit dealer? Please Help!

    I just bought some headphones from a third party -company off Amazon called "EMUSIC ENTERPRISE INC".   The Headphones are on its way to my house through shipping, but I was thinking if I should return them or not.      This is there selling page on amazon...
  9. MrAwesome

    Grado GS1000i vs Grado RS1i

    I currently have the AKG K701 and was thinking of getting another pair of phones,    Here They are side by side compared in specs       My question is what sounds better?    The Headphone Amp I...
  10. MrAwesome

    PA2V2 vs FiiO E11

    Both are about $60, I'm using an IPod Classic as a source since it is 'portable."  The Head Phones will likely use   - AKG K701 - Grado RS1i      I'm new to these scene, so which portable amp should I get out of these two? or if there is anything better that is with-in range of...
  11. MrAwesome

    Should I sell my Beats Pro for AKG701?

      I like to listen to Rock, Hard Rock, Rock n Roll, Classic Rock, Pop-Rock, Orchestral band instrumental, Jazz, Blues. I Basically like 60's-70's music and pop stuff like j-pop Top bands I listen too  The Beatles Led Zeppelin Wings The Who Queen     My friend wants to buy my...
  12. MrAwesome

    AKG or Bose?

    I like to listen to Rock, Hard Rock, Rock n Roll, Classic Rock, Pop-Rock, Orchestral band instrumental, Jazz, Blues. I Basically like 60's-70's music and pop stuff Top bands I listen too  The Beatles Led Zeppelin Wings The Who Queen On too the question I have a budget of $300...