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  1. practitioner

    Meier CORDA Aria - some impressions after 5 months

    I must say, after owning this amp for nearly 6 months I am still enjoying it as much I did when I first bought it, if not more. So I thought I share with you my impressions and some thoughts. Straight up it may seem a rather boring amp, nothing really sticks out. But an extended listen, and...
  2. practitioner

    sony NWE-507/407 608 do you turn it off?

    Hi, Recently I bout the Sony 2GB NW-A608V flash player. It works great however I still can't seem to find the off button. Pushing the joystick (at the top) down puts it on hold. But the following day I find the battery to be abit lower. So within 2 days the battery runs flat even without any...
  3. practitioner

    How does the SM3 compar to the PPX3 Slam?

    Hi all, Currently I'am using my SM3 with my HD650s and MS2i's and they sound great with them. I initially went with Xin's amp due to portable needs. Lately all my listening is being done at home so I'am thinking maybe a home amp is in order. So far from all the reading, the PPX3 Slam...
  4. practitioner

    PS-1 or RS-1 and upgrade CDP + AMP

    Hi all, For a while now I have been enjoying my HD650s & MS2i’s from my SM3 (SA5534 OBCA) and Cambridge Audio 640C CD player. Feeling the upgradis again as well as birthday coming up results in me being able to afford a huge jump from my current system. However, as always there are two...
  5. practitioner

    URGENT: PLEASE HELP, need to track down my MS-2s

    Hi all, last friday (18th Feb) I ordered the new MS-2s from Allessandro. Didn't expect them to arrive anytime soon with what I have read here and the fact that I'am in London, UK. But they came today, but my dad sent the delivery man back! :O I don't know whether to laugh or cry! The person...
  6. practitioner

    HD580, HD595, HD650, A900 or something else?

    After returning my E5Cs, I have kind of given up on canal phones. I was gona go for the T2XS from But after some carefull consideration I came to the conclusion that these come with too much risk for me to plunge deep into my pockets to fork out 500 pounds. So instead...
  7. practitioner

    From EX71 to ER-4P to E5C to ??? wisdom needed

    Hi, I have been lurking around in these forums for a while now. Came across Head-Fi while researching for headphones/canal phones and I must say, it has been a very wallet lightening experience so far! Please note, I am a complete newbie to the audiophile world so I have tried to...