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  1. ScubaSteve87

    Selling and Trading CDs Online

    Earlier this month I was searching for a place online to sell my CDs and stumbled across this site: Has anyone else on HF tried this out? I sent in ~60 of my CDs and have found the trading community on the site to be pretty active. Already have received and downloaded a...
  2. ScubaSteve87

    Building my own computer, a couple of questions

    Alright so I am planning on building a computer over the next few months and I have a couple of questions I thought people here might be able to answer: Cooling: I don't want this thing to get hot, and I want it to be quiet! I have thought about doing liquid cooling, but is this only really...
  3. ScubaSteve87

    So I made it to 1000

    YEah me. What do I have to show for it? well i managed to find my ideal audio solution for a good while. I haven't entered the headphone forum for quite a long time. I still can't believe I made this many posts. It just makes me sick to think of people who have 10,000. Wow So yeah please send...
  4. ScubaSteve87

    Touching My Father's Soul, anyone read it?

    Alright I posted this in the book rec thread, but I really was wondering if anyone else here had read it and what they thougt of it. I read this last year and I really think its one of the best books I have read. I just love how it chronicles the events of 1996, but also the more personal issues...
  5. ScubaSteve87

    Motorcycles: Where do I start?

    I have always wanted a motorcycle and I just recently was able to get preliminary approval from the parents to take a motorcycle saftey course and also start looking for a bike this summer. I am 18, but I needed their approval so I could get funds. So where do I go from now? I am prob going to...
  6. ScubaSteve87

    Important Question, Looking for an Answer

    Alright lets get straight to it: You know those little plastic things that hold on the tags in clothes? they look like little t's on each end with one end looking squished. How do they get those on in the clothes in the first place??!!? Its kinda bugging me My theory: they have the plastic...
  7. ScubaSteve87

    Its March Madness: UE10's are here!!!

    Well my UE10's have arrived. I just picked them up earlier today. Wow, they look awesome, too busy listening to get pics, but hoepfully in the next few days. I have been without headphones so long, I can't comment right now on how they sound compared to anything. All I know is that they sound...
  8. ScubaSteve87

    Custom Ultimate Ears, how long to make?

    So I'm getting pretty restless without any headphones and I realized, I have no idea at all how long it will be before I get them. Its a little late to email UE, so how long did it take them to make yours? My impressions got to them last wed morning, so its been a week so far for me
  9. ScubaSteve87

    Paul Pierce>> Kobe, did anyone see the game?

    So did anyone watch this game on sunday night? I am not a big NBA fan, but I do like the celtics. The team is real young and I think has potential in the future. Plus Boston is awesome. But back to the game.....So was it me or did Pierce just take Kobe to school? The game was really close and...
  10. ScubaSteve87

    for some reason I want some sweet classical opera

    I just watched Shawshank Redemption. When Andy plays that opera over the lound speaker I was just gettin all tingly. So yeah now I got some sort of opera/classical with vocals bug going. Any good recs for a total newb? Not lookin for anything to uptight or anything. I want something romantic and...
  11. ScubaSteve87

    sweet ipod remote prototype

    Alright, well the first time I saw this was actually about a year ago, but some recent looking at remotes reminded me of this and how sweet it was. I just thought I had to share this. For a advanced EE class here at UW, a guy did a design project where he made a ipod remote. The great thing...
  12. ScubaSteve87

    Pharoahe Monch

    So who is listening to this? It was released back in 1999 and I have heard the song, "Simon Says" before, but this entire album is pretty awesome. Its always nice to discover an older album that you missed when nothing recent has peaked your interest to much. If you like the hiphop I do have to...
  13. ScubaSteve87

    Hiphop: OneBeLo formerly of Binary Star

    Just thought everyone should check out SONOGRAM. His latest is quite excellent. And the main reason for the post: OneBeLo will be performing Friday march 3rd in Madison WI the show is FREEEEE!! if you live in within any decent driving distance and you know underground hip hop, you...
  14. ScubaSteve87

    UE to introduce triple driver design to comepete with E500

    Direct quote from a email sent to me from UE after inquiring about the UE10pro and their future products: Quote: In reference to a new piece "YES" we are going to introduce our triple driver generic fit in June to go up against the E500. This will be added to our already successful...
  15. ScubaSteve87

    Question for some Custom IEM owners

    I just last night got by E4c's back after several months without them. I really do like how they sound, but after not using IEMs for such a long time, I experienced some irritation and they seemed slightly uncomfortable. It got a little better after I had them in for a while, but still I wasn't...
  16. ScubaSteve87

    Headphone showdown in my dorm room tonight

    A guy who is in my statics class was bragging to me today about his Bose QC2's and how great they are. I just looked at him and said "Dude you don't know what you are talking about, don't even start with me, you don't want to get in to it" BUT he continued to exclaim how great they are and how...
  17. ScubaSteve87

    Returning to My Roots (Portable Rigs)

    When I first stumbled across head-fi it was after seeing the UE5c in a magazine and I was looking for some killer portable phones. Eventually I was sucked right in and now I have a nonexistant portable rig. My dad stole me E4c's from me and now my ipod, evilfire cmoy, and sik din just sit...
  18. ScubaSteve87

    Daara J

    Anyone heard of these guys? They are rappers from senegal. Some is in french I think, some in english, and maybe even some in a native tounge? They are coming to our union on sat so I think I am going to go. 2 of my fav songs are Paris Dakar and Exodus. Check um out and tell me what you think.
  19. ScubaSteve87

    Career Fair tommarow at my college, any advice?

    I am a freshman that goes to University of Wisconsin. Over the next 2 days there will be more that 200 employers at our engineering career fair. Not to many freshman attend, but I really would like to get a summer internship. I figure even though in terms of years I am a freshman, I am a second...
  20. ScubaSteve87

    B&O form 2

    I was in chicago a few weeks ago and saw these at the ipod store: I couldn't really find many old posts on these, so I figured I would start a thread. I didn't get to listen to them for too long, but my only impression was that they...
  21. ScubaSteve87

    Audio Technica Portables/AT makes the most beautiful headphones

    This is sort of a dual post. First off I want to say that AT makes the most beutiful headphones ever. Not only the whole W serious(W5000 looks so hot), but also the L3000. I just can't get over their headphones and after hacing the ad2k I can't get over the sound. I really am becoming a AT...
  22. ScubaSteve87

    Rubik's Cube

    Anyone here like doin the Rubik's Cube? I know I do. I usually do the 4x4 actaully now. I have a 5x5, but I have been to lazy to sit down and take the time do it. Maybe when school starts and I need distracting I'll get more motivated
  23. ScubaSteve87

    Lets talk College Basketball

    Anyone on here crazy about college bball like me? I'm all about the Badgers, cuz of course I go to WI and have awesome seats Alando Tucker is our main man, but everyone watch out for Marcus Landry. The kid is only a freshman and he is such a awesome defender. Marcus Landry is my fav player this...
  24. ScubaSteve87

    Looking for L3000: Anywhere remotely near Madison WI

    I love my AD2000, but I have this overwhelming desire that I will never be satisfied unless I hear the L3000. I have read a lot about it and it seems like it would be a sound I would like and the curiosity is killing me. Is there anyone even remotely close to Madison WI that has a pair that I...
  25. ScubaSteve87

    DT770: If you are deaf below 200 hz, this phone is for you

    So I did a exchange with a fellow headfier for some Headphile woodied DT770's. The wood work on them is awesome. Larry truely does great work. They fit great, very comfortable. Then I plugged them in... WOW, this bass is not just heavy, it is EXTREME. I never expected so much bass. I still will...