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  1. nicoritschel

    Audeze Contest

    Hey guys,   A very close friend entered the Audeze T Shirt contest. The winner of most votes, and another chosen winner by Audeze receives a pair of LCD-2's. My friend is also a music producer, and could really use the headphones that he otherwise could not afford.    If you like his...
  2. nicoritschel

    Help a homie win some LCD-2's

    So my (music producer) homie who happens to do some graphic design on the side is currently #1 in the Audeze T-Shirt Contest.    Help a friend out and vote for your favorite! :D  
  3. nicoritschel

    Heir Audio Sources

    I appreciate all the hard work in writing reviews/photographings iems. Especially kunlun and project86. Thanks for your time + words! Many others that I have not named as well...   Anyways, I have 8.a's on the way. They will be my first quality pair of iems and I was wondering about grabbing...