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  1. ChickenScrtchBoy

    HD280 Headband Finally Broke (5yrs!)

    I don't mean the plastic is cracking, that happened a year in, and a year later, I finally cut all of that cracking plastic off. The actual metal headband inside the rubber bit that goes over the top of the head broke, just about a cm inside. I've had these guys for 5 years, they will be...
  2. ChickenScrtchBoy

    A few PPA questions.

    I'm planning on getting either a MS-2, HF-1, or SR-225 soon. Since my current system is an NJB3 amped by a MINT, to maximize the cans I should get a new amp/source, right? Right now I'm thinking about building a PPA with battery board (12xAAA). I would drop the bass boost to cut cost (I...
  3. ChickenScrtchBoy

    Unamped: CM7 vs. CM5

    I'm thinking of getting an Ipod mini soon, but to match it, I will need to ditch the stock buds for a pair of ones that aren't mug bait crap. I need somthing a bit rugged, so the e888 are out. From what I see, the defacto best (besides the e888) is the cm7, when it comes to earbuds. Will these...
  4. ChickenScrtchBoy

    Apple stock plunges. Ouch

    I'm not supposed to be on the forums... but I couldn't help checking Apple's stock today... blam-o Just a few hours after they announced the "Shuffle." Says something.
  5. ChickenScrtchBoy

    My Patetic Plea

    Well I've got finals coming up.. and a robotics season Can you ban me until.. say... around February 19th?
  6. ChickenScrtchBoy

    A Couple MINT Problems

    I just finished my first amp (a MINT) I wired up the jacks, turned it on, LED turns on (thats good) So I take an old cd player, crappy patch cable, and some crummy headphones, hook them up... There is no sound on the left side... and the rigth sounds pretty bad. There are about 3...
  7. ChickenScrtchBoy

    "Moe" at Radioshack...?

    I just got back from a Radioshack run to get some solder and desolder braid... and guess who I saw? Moe. (Now Jahn's headphone stand.) I thought Moe was an origonal work by a member... but appearently not... I guess they are mass produced... who makes Moe? What are Moe's origins? I'll post...
  8. ChickenScrtchBoy

    Friend wants cheap phones

    Well, one of my friends is looking for some cheap $30-$50 phones. Basicly, I want to make sure he gets the best sound possible. Friends don't let friends buy crappy headphones. Any suggestions are welcome, but he wants street styles particularly (god forbid) Also, if you want, you can post...
  9. ChickenScrtchBoy

    MINT resistors?

    I'm scared. I can't figure out what resistors to buy. I know I want 1/4 watt resistors with metal film and 1% tolerance, but what about size? how do I know if they are going to be too fat, or long? Any advise would be greatly aprechiated.
  10. ChickenScrtchBoy

    This look good? Planned portable rig...

    Well, I've fixed my NJB3... nothing was wrong... just needed a firmware refresh or format... either one. So. I'm planning on the following portable rig. NJB3 + Wired Remote -> Cardas 12in Right Angle Male Mini Plug to Right Angle Male Mini Plug Interconnect -> MINT amp (Specifics below) ->...
  11. ChickenScrtchBoy

    What? Board problem.

    Does anyone else have Stephonovich's avatar instead of the normal "quote" button? Or is this just me?
  12. ChickenScrtchBoy

    NJB3 Dying

    I've been getting allot of freezing with my NJB3 As of late. I suspect it is the HDD, but am not sure. Are there any utilities that will let me hook up the laptop hdd from the NJB and find out what the damage is on the poor thing? PS does the 2.5" HDD have a different connector then a...
  13. ChickenScrtchBoy

    Where and which MINT amp parts to get?

    I've been thinking of building a MINT amp for a few days now. I don't think I need an amp, and it can't hurt, I'll be building it mainly for fun, and to practice soldering (FRC team 649 offcial "electronics dude" here). The question is: Where and what parts should I buy? Are there any...
  14. ChickenScrtchBoy

    NJB3! Yippie!

    I bought an NJB3 yesterday for $80. My friend bought an Ipod, so he wanted to get rid of his old NJB3. The battery is supposedly only lasting 2 hours now, so, naturally, I ordered a new one. Should get here soon. It's scratched up a bit, but everything seems fuctional. Updated the firmware...
  15. ChickenScrtchBoy

    NJB3 Replacement Batteries

    One of my friends just bought and Ipod and is looking to ditch his Nomad Jukebox 3, and I think i can get it for pretty cheap, since "the battery is on it's last leg," lasting "1 or 2 hours." Do you know where I can get a replacement battery, and are there any particular complications in the...
  16. ChickenScrtchBoy

    Karma Features/Price worth the reliablity/RMA issues?

    I've been reading these forums for a while, and have been devising my portable set up... since my crummy-ish mp3 cd player and HD280's are not quite as portable as I'd like (and burning a new mp3 cd every night is getting pretty tedious). Basicly, I have been leaning toward the Karma, because...
  17. ChickenScrtchBoy

    ATH-EM7 vs. ER6i (a dileama)

    I've been contemplating buying a pair of ER6i's for the past few days, but am concerned about a few things: Comfort Will they feel good in my ear or will they irritate me? Getting a Seal I've seen a few posts (in a few days) from people getting a bad seal. Will I be able to get a...