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  1. EldradMustLive

    Quarter modded SR225 versus RS1 or PS500

    I have some 2006 Grado Sr225s with quarter-modded yellow 414 pads that have become my favorite headphone (formally DT880 250 ohm was my fave). I've seen an old thread here where someone said they preferred (I assume stock) SR225 to RS1. Anyone else here have the SR225 with the simple 414 quarter...
  2. EldradMustLive

    Nuforce Icon HDP or separate DAC + old Corda?

    I'm considering buying a Nuforce Icon HDP to use with Iphone 4/Pure I-20 dock via optical. However, I have an old Corda HA-1 Mk2 that I haven't used in a while. Would a DAC in the $450 to $500 range paired with the Corda give me better results? Thanks!
  3. EldradMustLive

    Blasts from the past: Philips 963-SA versus Sony SCD-CE595...

    Hi Everone, I was a member here a few years back under a username I can't remember.  Nice to be back, but it looks like I have a lot to learn about DACs!   Anyway, I have moved recently and I've taken a Philips 963-SA and Sony SCD-CE595 out of storage.  I would like to use one of them for my...