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  1. KamillaLove

    Brighter DAC than EMU 0404 USB?

    I have had Benchmark DAC-1 before but it sounds too muddy and dark, so I switched to EMU 0404 USB and it became more transparent. Is there anything brighter than the EMU? Perhaps a soundcard inside the computer?
  2. KamillaLove

    Christmas gift for husband - AKG K812 with what amplifier?

    I will buy my husband the new K812 to replace his K702, but what amplifier do they need? He has them plugged into a EMU 0404 USB DAC.
  3. KamillaLove

    Best headphones that don't need an amp?

    I would like to plug the headphones directly into the 3.5mm output of my DAC, because there is no space to place an amp behind my computer screen. I want the same high resolution performance as from Stax headphones but without any amp. Which high-end headphones can be driven without an amp?
  4. KamillaLove

    High frequency headphones?

    I like high frequency sound in headphones but I don't like bass, what should I buy?