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  • Users: Aynjell
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  1. Aynjell

    Stepped Attenuator on audio-GD C-2

    Due to the way the C-2C works with ACSS, I'm curious, can you replace the stock pot with a stepped attenuator? I'm happy with this device's functionality and flexibility, with the exception of the viscious channel imbalance. Also, are there any stepped pots\attenuators that are slightly cheaper...
  2. Aynjell

    What's in the mail?

    Hey guys, I'm surprised such a thread doesn't exist, and seems about as appropriate as the "what are you listening to" thread. Might be fun to see what everyone's buying.    Mods if it's not allowed by all means, I just couldn't find anything so maybe that's evidence it shouldn't be posted...
  3. Aynjell

    Setup for 400$...

    Hey everyone. My room mate is finally considering head-fi gear, mainly because it would help him be more considerate to me.   He was intially thinking HD555, but with the recent price hike they are far less of a bargain. (He liked the 555 with the 595 mod)   The HD600 is slightly more...
  4. Aynjell

    The right amp for me! (Grado, Senn, Tube)

    Hello everybody, I've been shopping around trying to find an AMP for myself, and actually ended up upgrading my DAC first as I got a great deal on an NFB-2 from a member here.   Anyway, I'm still using my Little Dot I+, and I've grown tired of it. It's extremely sluggish, and never really...
  5. Aynjell

    Headroom Desktop vs Ultra Desktop

    I tried searching for this, but couldn't find anything. I'm curious about how much of a difference one would find between the two amps. Is there enough to justify buying one or the other? I was particularly impressed with the Ultra Desktop when I had it on loan from Headroom but I am leery of...
  6. Aynjell

    Omaha Head-Fi Meet #3 - October 29th @ CE

    Saturday, October 29th at Custom Electronics Google Place Page | Website   Sponsors:   TBD, but I'm going to try to be just as good as last year!   Members/Attendees:   Aynjell nierika mrscotchguy bassvirtuoso gritzcolin     Hey head-fiers, it's that time of the...
  7. Aynjell

    Shure SRH840 headband replacement...

    While the title of my thread may be a little bit misleading, I am wanting to find an alternative headband to what is typically provided with the shure headphones. I really dislike it, and it's more or less just falling apart. It never was comfortable. I ended up tearing it down to try and clean...
  8. Aynjell


    I'm considering looking into the DIY options available for my next desktop setup, but before doing that, what I think I want to do first is start with a smaller easier to complete project. Something more appropriate to my skill level. Having completed a CMOY amp, would I most likely be ready for...
  9. Aynjell

    What is the biggest change you've ever heard after a mod/tweak?

    I'm curious guys and gals, what is the biggest change (let's stick with positive changes) you've ever heard with a mod/tweak?   I'll start:   For me, it was reversed HD414 pads on a pair of SR325i. My setup at home now rivals the best system I've ever heard some how. It's amazing what...
  10. Aynjell

    HD580 questions, part numbers, etc...

    So I finally broke down and bought some senns. I got some HD580's on amazon for about 580. They clearly will need some refurbishing, the cool part is I got them for a relatively good price: 177.50. This is as I understand it an okay price to begin with consider their proximity to the HD600. With...
  11. Aynjell

    Audio GD FUN

    Hello, me and my buddy are going to be purchasing FUN's. Currently, I have a Little Dot I+, and an SMSL mini dac, which will be replaced in the dac spot by the FUN's dac portion, with the amp section of the FUN driving HD580 while the I+ will drive low impedance stuff (Grado SR325i). As much as...
  12. Aynjell

    Millet Minimax, right for me?

    Hello everybody, I've been looking for a good project to do and the millet minimax kit from beezar seems right for me. At 220$, and all the parts included, it means only thing I need to mess with on this project is soldering and testing, which would be an invaluable learning experience, but I...
  13. Aynjell

    Westome UM1 + tri-flange

    Hey guys, I was at canjam, and while at canjam I basically asked to keep every tip I used (since they threw them anyway). This paid off for me because I did some tip rolling with my westone UM1's, and what really stood out to be as being the best was some tri-flanges I had. Removing the tip most...
  14. Aynjell

    Experiment: Try PAX 3.10 drivers and lemme know what you think!

    After testing the PAX drivers for myself, I can say a few things: everything is clearer, the X-Fi's veil has been lifted and boy does my setup just sound wonderful. I wanted to challenge some other X-Fi, auzentech, or creative audigy users into trying it and seeing if anybody else heard such...
  15. Aynjell

    Free MP3's! (not spam, not scam)

    This was on fatwallet, supposedly 2,087 free tracks. Something for everybody, sure all low quality mp3 but good enough to broaden your horizons, am I right?   More directly:  ...
  16. Aynjell

    Piracy? A thoughtful inquiry, at least I'd say so...

    I got to thinking tonite while listening to my headphones... what constitutes legal ownership of an album, or even what logical reasoning is there to buy an album? What fullproof argument is there?   Suppose we say "To support the artist", an equally powerful counter argument is the second...
  17. Aynjell

    X-Fi Titanium vs X-Fi Forte (For optical)

    Hello everybody. Right now I'm considering an audio system upgrade. What I'm trying to figure  out is: is there any point in upgrading to the Forte if my intention is to plug it into a little dot dac I? I realize that by moving to the forte I gain the extra digital output, but that may result in...
  18. Aynjell

    Omaha Head-Fi Meet, #2! (@ Custom Electronics :: Oct 9th!)

        Hello everybody, let's get  a list going of who can come to a head-fi meet. Larry, owner of Custom Electronics is a very gracious host, and took care of us last year. (also a big shout out to Tim who helped organize it last year and this year!) They gave us a generous discount on...
  19. Aynjell

    Looking for a new wallet...

    Anybody know of any good wallets with the following features? A see through portion where you'd insert an ID, but could see from the outside of the wallet without opening it (preferably inserted from inside). Tri-Fold or bi-fold, doesn't matter. Button up would be especially win. I'd prefer...
  20. Aynjell

    X-Fi Titanium -> Optical -> Dac Question...

    I haven't been able to find an answer anywhere to this, and very well may make up my mind on my next purchase: If I use optical out from an X-Fi titanium does it lose all the cool features like CMSS-3D or Crystalizer, etc? I want my card to still be useful as a device that speeds up games...
  21. Aynjell

    Looking for Closed Cans

    Hey everybody, my girl friend is now working from home and working hours that I'm usually at home. My collection of headphones is almost entirely limited to open cans, with the sole exception being my Sony MDR-V6. I have a little dot I+, and would like to still be able to use it, as it's a very...
  22. Aynjell

    SR325i mods?

    Hello everybody. So, I'm saving up about 600$ so I can get the Magnum mod in june. Why 600$ for a 400$ product? Well, two reasons: I'll need a cable to use for the magnums. I think it's safe to say these will be 700$ cans, so maybe a higher end cable is okay. Any suggestions? Also, my SR325i...
  23. Aynjell

    Should I get TTVJ flats?

    Hey everybody. So, lead in a bit to my question, I've tried every pad available for the Grado except the C-Pad, the HD414 re-purpose, and the flats. Of all the pads I've used, the ones that sound the best are the quarter modded "comfies". They are so powerful, in your face, and beautiful...
  24. Aynjell

    CD Repair?

    Have any of you had any luck with CD repair? I'm thinking about restoring some CD's I've got, and most of the stores around here that offer such a service are outrageously expensive (around 3$ a disc). Not really worth it on stuff I buy used at that same price... so trying to find some sort of...
  25. Aynjell

    ATH-AD700 Mod...

    So tonite I got kind of bored and pulled out my Audio Technica ATH-AD700, and the first things that came to my mind putting them on is that they're very comfortable compared to my Grado SR325i's, but on my head they failed to provide any sense of seclusion, and they almost seemed harsh. Funny I...