Search results for query: *
  1. Fickle-Friend

    Hifiman HE4xx or Beyer DT770 pro?

    Hi fickle's in a pickle... I have a bit of cash to splash and I can't decided upon either the HE4XX or the DT770 pro. Yes I know one is closed and one is open, unfortunately I'm unable to listen to either of them before purchase. I would like to mate these with: The ifi Nano Black Label and...
  2. Fickle-Friend

    Any vegans?

    Well 2019 is upon is, more and more people are going vegan and more products are being made without genuine leather. Are you vegan?
  3. Fickle-Friend

    Listened to a STAX L300 just now....

    Blown away frankly, I think that would do nicely for an end-game for me. I had various other headphones in mind and even have the K7XX from Massdrop en route but that Stax sound was just sublime for me. Can I ask what DAC recommendations you have? This particular one was being played out of the...
  4. Fickle-Friend

    reasonably priced 3.5mm to dual RCA cable

    Hello everyone, Could you recommend a place where I can get some reasonably decent priced/performance ($30 or so) 3.5mm single to dual RCA to connect from an Audioquest Dragonfly RED to a headphone amp (Massdrop Objective 2). Kind regards
  5. Fickle-Friend

    Headphone amp for Dragonfly Red?

    Hello all, I'm wanting recommendations on an inexpensive (approx $200 max) headphone amp to connect with my dragonfly red for higher impedance cans like the DT1770 Pro 250 Ohms? Kind regards
  6. Fickle-Friend

    LG V30 - places to buy in Malaysia / Singapore?

    Hi everyone, So I shall have an extended stay of a few months in Malaysia. Do you know anywhere where I can buy the LG V30 around Kuala Lumpur? I'm really keen on the DAC in this, I did have the LG V20 but gave it away last year.
  7. Fickle-Friend

    Burson Audio HA-160 owners?

    Hi guys and dolls, what DAC are you using? I would like some recommendations on getting a DAC. So far I've been thinking about the Audiogd dac19dsp1. Or is it better for me just go to with the HA-160DS headphone amp and DAC? I shall be using the LCD2 headphones.  ...
  8. Fickle-Friend

    DAC recommendations under $1000?

    Hi All,   I'm about to sell up some of my old kit and invest into a pair of Audeze LCD2s and the Burson Audio HA-160. I would like DAC recommendations please? I will be using a computer set up. Will have about $1k to play with.   Kind regards,  
  9. Fickle-Friend

    Banned members?

    Hello everyone not been about the forum for a while, I've returned to see loads of postings by banned people. Whats the main cause of them getting banned? I don't recall seeing this back in the day, I've been a member here for a long time.
  10. Fickle-Friend

    Cheapest replacement GRADO ear pads?

    Hiya all, Can anyone give me some pointers as to where I can find the cheapest replacement ear pads for GRADO? Many thanks
  11. Fickle-Friend

    USB 3.0 and DACs?

    Hello all, How do you think the new USB 3.0 connection will fare against the current 2.0 standard? I'm looking at some high end USB DACs and I don't want to purchase and then find out that everyone is jumping on the 3.0 bandwagon. Question is, should I hold off or is the 3.0 USB still a...
  12. Fickle-Friend

    Cambridge Audio Dacmagic upgrade?

    Hi does anyone have any experience with upgrades on the Dacmagic? Ebay Item number:280415580691 Thats more money than the DAC itself for upgrades. Comments would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
  13. Fickle-Friend

    Solid silver interconnects? Please help?

    Hi I'm looking for some solid silver interconnects, please can you recommend me some thanks. Susan
  14. Fickle-Friend

    Recommendations on sub USB $1000 DAC for my Apple Mac mini?

    Hi all, I've been away from the scene, so I was hoping you learned people could fire some recommendations my way of DACs in the sub $1000 range? I'm thinking about a USB dac, there are some exotic ones on ebay from China and Taiwan. Thanks for the help, and I still love you all.
  15. Fickle-Friend

    Top 5 SS amps - here we go again!

    Hiya all, Well I've been away from the scene for a few years now, could I have a quick run down of the top 5 rated SS amps (I know these get done over and over again) here so I can exercise the search feature on them. I feel the urge to exercise my wallet.
  16. Fickle-Friend

    BEST Audiophile imac rig - ideas please?

    Hello All, Woah its been a while. I've been away from the scene for a few years. I'm going to be buying a shiny new imac 24" and want to nail a stunning audiophile rig for my desktop. I would like recommendations for the best kit options thanks (with money being a secondary consideration)...
  17. Fickle-Friend

    BEST in ear cans for Nintendo DS

    Hi i just bought a Nintendo DS. I would like recommendations on in ear cans for it? What about those new Bose in ear triports or Shure gaming cans? Thanks
  18. Fickle-Friend

    name that tune?

    Any idea what the tune is? Ma bird is asking, Jay Cutler is flexing to it here: Thanks
  19. Fickle-Friend

    Anyone tried out these babies then?

    Well I was having a look around eBay for the usual bargains and came across the following: Looks amazing but I've never heard of this brand and was wondering if anyone had any experience with it? $400 cable apprently?? Whats that...
  20. Fickle-Friend

    Panerai Thread

    Just bagged one of these babies. Built like a flippin tank I tell you. I am now walking about with a CLOCK on my wrist. I would like recommendations on straps and where to buy a decent one from? Who else has a Pammy and what strap you got? I'm thinking I'll go with a deployment Clasp too. Thats...
  21. Fickle-Friend

    Wow now how'd he do that? The backgrounds gone white!

    People of photography, I would like to draw your attention to the following link: I'm at a wits end trying to work out how this snappers managed to make the background completely white. I'm ashamed of my carpet and want to hide it from...
  22. Fickle-Friend

    Recommendations on a new watch?

    Well I'm looking for a nice watch. Sub $500. Must have a few alarms and different time zones. I'm considering something like a Casio? Must look nice on my wrist too. Any ideas?
  23. Fickle-Friend

    HTML question

    I had a friend send me some HTML code in an email. Now Id like to know how I can make this code into a saved .html file to edit with a WYSIWYG editor? So far copy/pasting the file into a txt document and saving as .html hasnt worked. Any ideas? Thanks
  24. Fickle-Friend

    Few ipod questions for the experienced!

    Well I just got a new ipod NANO about 1hr ago. Never had one before and this whole experience is new to me. So I'm restricted to transfering music only thru their itunes interface? erm ok suppse itunes isnt bad. But how does one get those darn Audiobooks to work? I have the audiobook feature...
  25. Fickle-Friend

    ER4P or E4C for Ipod Nano

    Well I got me an Ipod Nano the other day. Now I'm looking for a nice set of in ear headphones. Contenders are: ER4P or E4C What do you recommend and why? Thanks so much for the info!