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  1. deltaydeltax

    Anyone know a real way to turn this crap off?

    I'm talking about this ridiculous "tip" which assumes I don't know how to close a window, or read what an icon says. Argh!
  2. deltaydeltax

    AES-17 filters

    There used to be a place which sold stand alone AES-17 filters. Does anyone know what happened to them? Did they go out of business?
  3. deltaydeltax

    Services section?

    I'm looking for someone who can do some firmware and partial hardware development for me. Is there a place people can find help for such topics on this site? The marketplace looks like it's only for the marketing of tangible goods. How about any external sites? Any good ones out there?
  4. deltaydeltax

    Environmentally friendly shipping supplies

    Do any of you have an idea/experience which stands out as amazing for being an Earth friendly solution? I've searched on Google for such products but only come up with the corn starch packing peanuts. Penzeys uses basil leaves and other such items. What are other ideas you might have seen...
  5. deltaydeltax

    Hobbyist rental equipment

    So, here's a bit of a question some might not like. Are there people out there who are interested in renting equipment to help them work on their DIY projects? I'm starting to get quite the collection of soldering equipment, and other tools like scopes and such. I have come up with ways...
  6. deltaydeltax

    Poor quality PCB service

    I just got handed a stack of PCBs to check solder on by one of the engineers I'm contracting for. I have to look over the solder because a lot of the chips are soldered on crooked and have pins floating. These are boards sent out be Freescale Semiconductor so I wasn't too surprised as their...
  7. deltaydeltax

    Micro water pumps?

    Anyone know where to get some? I need some really small battery powered water pumps for a proof of concept project. My many Google searches have lead to only a few, and in some cases, not relevant items at all (read nursing products).
  8. deltaydeltax

    Boston area meet happening March 28, 2009

    Hi everyone. I'm sorry I didn't get this new thread started sooner. Tuesday I was laid off from my job, which is an awesome place to work, and spent a good amount of time cleaning out my office, and getting various paperwork together. Now, on to the Boston area meetup. We are ON for March 28...
  9. deltaydeltax

    Vote on Boston area meetup

    Please vote yes or no for a Dedham meet. Meeting place will be located right off of Route 128 and withing walking distance to an MBTA commuter rail station. Proposed date is March 28, 2009. Time ~10:00AM - 2:00PM~3:00PM Room is reserved and payment is in process...
  10. deltaydeltax

    Anyone built their own headphone drivers?

    I know how to do it, just don't know where to buy the parts from. When I worked for an audio company, we had tons of parts to be used. Now though, I work for a non audio company and need to find this stuff on my own. So, I'm looking for some tiny pole-plates to make some tiny drivers to build my...
  11. deltaydeltax

    HPA reviews

    I've been seeing a lot of reviews on various Head-Fi threads. How many of you like doing reviews for portable HPAs?
  12. deltaydeltax

    Portable HP amp with EQ

    Is an EQ in a portable amp desirable to any other than myself? How many bands might you want, and how much might such a product cost us?