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  1. GirgleMirt

    Monoprice Electrostatic Headphone

    Thanks for letting us know that these $629.99 headphones are not bad for a pair of 100$ headphones! Like dude... Your question doesn't even make any sense. I bet you only want him to tell you how bad they are. But he won't, because he's a nice guy. Why do you think he commented on case huh...
  2. GirgleMirt

    The Koss ESP950 thread (ESP owners, please contribute! :)

    False. Even from your linked schiit post, your statement is incorrect due to your usage of 'do'. They do not negatively affect the signal. They 'could' though. But there's a huge difference between 'do' and 'could'. Even Schiit is talking about clipping. Well, just don't clip it, if...
  3. GirgleMirt

    The Koss ESP950 thread (ESP owners, please contribute! :)

    ...I'm leaning too. The worse is that I'm sure I'd enjoy it, just at one point buying multiple $500+ headphones is getting redundant and wasteful... I'd rather just get one which ticks all the boxes and can be my end game, without being exorbitantly priced.. If there is such a thing...
  4. GirgleMirt

    The Koss ESP950 thread (ESP owners, please contribute! :)

    Yeah agreed for detail/resolution being hard to quantify... Which is where at least theoretically those who own the headphones should be able to present the most accurate depiction, as opposed to just demo'ing the products for a short while... But even then it's not consistent due to opinions...
  5. GirgleMirt

    The Koss ESP950 thread (ESP owners, please contribute! :)

    Can't help you in the Mac world, you'll have to do some research on the interwebs, but I'm sure it's possible even on a Mac, as they're more popular than they were 20 years ago and now there are a lot of compatible programs that can run on them.
  6. GirgleMirt

    The Koss ESP950 thread (ESP owners, please contribute! :)

    Why go analog when you can go digital though... Digital = free (if you're using a computer, which you should in this day and age), it doesn't negatively impact sound quality like introducing an analog doohickey that messes with the signal (attenuates + boost from what it appears), it is more...
  7. GirgleMirt

    The Koss ESP950 thread (ESP owners, please contribute! :)

    That was kinda my (very limited) experience with Magnepan speakers (1.7?); they literally seemed to lack a body; maybe what some call ethereal... I mean, dynamic speakers there is some slam to the sound, Magnepan seemed in contrast to have a sort of 'fizzly' ghostly sound, with no 'body'; as if...
  8. GirgleMirt

    The Koss ESP950 thread (ESP owners, please contribute! :)

    So detail/resolution, how does this compare to say the Hifiman Edition XX, Focal Elex, Hifiman 400i or Sundara, etc.? At 400$, even more interesting, but add shipping, convert to canadian $, add the ~15% tax, brokerage fees, etc., you're likely around 666$CDN ~ $500 USD... The Hifiman Edition...
  9. GirgleMirt


    Yeah, bit weird? There doesn't seem to be a thread about them specifically, but here's one; At 299$ might be an interesting upgrade for 400i? Had a few potential upgrade candidates (Elex, Verum One, Koss 950, etc.)...
  10. GirgleMirt

    Hifiman he-400i Impressions and Discussion

    Yeah ok I'm now pretty damn sure it's not the headphones but the measurements: There would be two 400i versions; old with back plate vs new without (plus different connectors) and the new are definitely not flat to 20hz, it's really a measurement issue... Take another example, Sundara...
  11. GirgleMirt

    Hifiman he-400i Impressions and Discussion

    From private messages with E1DA (hope there's no issue sharing this!), the gist of the conversation was that according to E1DA there are likely more than two 'versions' of the 400i. Looking at online measurements, innerfidelity and E1DA's own measurements show flat bass response to 20hz, while...
  12. GirgleMirt

    Q701 impressions thread

    Also... After a few months/years, there seems to be a sort of 'velour' of the sort that you can somewhat scratch off the pads. Is this just dust & other particles that get stuck on the pads, or is it the actual pads material that you're 'scratching off'? Wow.. Mine are 5 years old and have...
  13. GirgleMirt

    Hifiman he-400i Impressions and Discussion

    Check these though: To me the diyaudioheaven measurements is more representative of what I hear with my 400i: From the 8.5kHz peak to bass response. It is definitely not flat down to 20hz like the innerfidelity...
  14. GirgleMirt

    Hifiman he-400i Impressions and Discussion

    Likely due to impedance? 400i are Impedance: 35 Ohms, and as a rule of thumb you want <1/8th the output impedance of your headphones for your amp (ex; headphone 80ohms, you'd want <=10ohm amp),[/edited, thx E1D1!] so; iphone: ??? Shanling Output impedance: 4.8Ω DAC Xonar STU Headphone out: 10...
  15. GirgleMirt

    Verum Audio - Exciting high performance DIY planar

    Thanks for sharing! Seems very fair to me, with free return shipping the free pads are an even nicer gesture. Really can't ask for more, as then the pads cover the shipping charges to send them back. :thumbsup:
  16. GirgleMirt

    Verum Audio - Exciting high performance DIY planar

    Can't speak for those 2, but I had issues with my Hifiman 400i and the online store I purchased it from ( simply replaced them under warranty, no shipping fees, both ways. It's also common policies for amazon and others. This was a few weeks after receiving...
  17. GirgleMirt

    HiFiMan HE4XX - How 'Open'?

    I'd forget headphones for that usage; it just doesn't really work... What you could look into though are those wearable speakers; but again, they'd seem to be a PITA; as having something on your neck/shoulders looks to me rather annoying, but I've...
  18. GirgleMirt

    The AKG K550 Impressions and Discussion Thread!

    Might also have a lot to do with the actual music being listened to, how they are driven and how the listener perceives bass. My thoughts from 6 years ago: "They're here! Few random thoughts after having listened to them a good part of the day. So far, they're pretty good! The bass is quite...
  19. GirgleMirt

    Q701 impressions thread

    Btw, just wondering... Has the headband ever worked for anyone? From the day I got my Q701, it seems that by design there are some strings which are supposed to pull the headband towards the head, but mine are so loose and weak, that they can't even return to their original position if I push...
  20. GirgleMirt

    Massdrop x Hifiman edition xx

    Well since they're not free, we can only lose $600 (plus possible applicable taxes, brokerage fees, etc.,), which isn't really chump change...! :confounded: From the youtube review: "These is not the Edition X or Edition X V2 diaphragm at all, this is a custom design from Massdrop to hit the...
  21. GirgleMirt

    Takstar HF 580 Planar Headphones

    Of course... I wouldn't have commented if I didn't... I only listened to them for a couple of minutes and that was enough for me to realize that I did not like them... What I wrote soon after: Anyway, quite troubling if they remind of the nighthawk, which I vaguely recall remember reading...
  22. GirgleMirt

    Takstar HF 580 Planar Headphones

    That is some scary stuff. If the Takstar is anything like the Nighthawk................ Does it mean that it has some kind of weird incoherent bass that sounds just wrong/unnatural? Sounding like the nighthack is not a good thing.... Not a good thing at all... :disappointed_relieved...
  23. GirgleMirt

    Hifiman he-400i Impressions and Discussion

    Oh and it might also be a defect, either that was always there or just happened over time. Try to play some tones at a decent volume and see if you can hear any type of distortion at a certain frequency. My 1st pair had an issue (think I posted a vid in this thread) and I had to return them...
  24. GirgleMirt

    Hifiman he-400i Impressions and Discussion

    Pretty sure you're hearing the 8.5 khz spike. It's also apparent in vocals & others, and can sound as some harshness/distortion. I think the same spike is what often makes strings and acoustic/classical guitar seem a bit more lively/detailed. You can try to reduce the frequency via digital EQ...
  25. GirgleMirt

    Verum Audio - Exciting high performance DIY planar

    Any pics to illustrate the issue? One of the pic ( seemed quite a bit weird, but I wasn't able to find pictures which gives an in depth image of what you should expect in fit & build...