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  • Users: xnor
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  1. xnor

    Magnetic fields influence the brain

    Hey,   headphones with more powerful magnets have become more popular in the last year or so. Especially planar magnetic headphones seem to have many strong magnets.     I was wondering if there is any effect on the brain, and stumbled upon this:   Researcher Field strength Used...
  2. xnor

    Opus 1.1 released

  3. xnor

    Autohotkey volume script/bar for Vista, 7, 8

    Hey,   here's a simple AutoHotkey volume script: AutoHotkey.ahk Requires Windows Vista, 7 or 8. Install AutoHotkey, place the downloaded ahk file in your Documents folder, run Autohotkey (it hides in the tray and loads Documents\AutoHotkey.ahk automatically).     I wrote this mainly to get...
  4. xnor

    Goodbye Winamp

    R.I.P.     from
  5. xnor

    Evidence that subjective, sighted reviews fail

    Let's collect and discuss some evidence that show how subjective, sighted and (therefore) usually biased reviews fail.   Note: This thread is not about intolerance or ridicule towards subjectivity per se. See #51. The following is in no particular order. The reviews are chosen completely...
  6. xnor

    Headphones sensitivity, impedance, required V/I/P, amplifier gain

    The following table is based on measurements, not manufacturer specs.   Target SPL is 110 dB SPL. The source is assumed to output 2 V. The amp is assumed to be a voltage source (0 ohm output impedance). Voltage, current, power are RMS figures.   What do the columns mean? S@1V is the...
  7. xnor

    How can expensive cables perform anything but worse to equal at the most?

    Cables obviously have electrical properties, but these can only be influenced up to a point. Given the electrical properties of cheap but properly designed cables, how can more expensive cables perform anything but worse to equal at the most?     Random example for a really expensive...
  8. xnor

    Old news: FLAC 1.3.0 was released

    FLAC 1.3.0 was released May 26th.   Changelog can be found here.   Binaries can be found in the encoder pack found on or sites like rarewares.   Some important changes:
  9. xnor

    Antiscience: how to make lots of money... and get people killed

    This is old news but it was brought to my attention recently so I thought why not share it. Not about sound, but (anti)science. Product page (archived)   First some numbers: .. so pretty expensive and even governments bought it, in large...
  10. xnor

    Digital Audio Signals and How They Really Behave In the Real World

    This has been posted before in the Sound Science forum but many of you probably don't visit that forum so I'm reposting this:       Quote:   A must watch for anyone new to digital audio (or old but misinformed).
  11. xnor

    Turning it around: FFT beats human hearing, EZ!

    ...samples) long sine waves: sines_a   I doubt you can hear different frequencies, let alone sine waves. What you probably hear sounds more like *click* *click* *click*. But using the FFT we can see it's sine waves at different frequencies. The frequency resolution is just 200 Hz, but...
  12. xnor

    Can you hear the difference?

    Hello,   here are three hi-res test files in the format 24/96 encoded as FLAC to save space. The files are all different.   edit: test closed   Please try to sort the files by audio quality, best first. Feel free to describe the differences you heard.   Good luck.   Hint to...
  13. xnor

    Resampling explained able to interpolate and decimate we need integer factors.   So if we use:   L = 320 M = 147   then we first interpolate: 44100 Hz * 320 = 14112000 Hz and then decimate: 14112000 Hz / 147 = 96000 Hz   of course only one low-pass filter is necessary, to remove undesired...
  14. xnor

    Public AAC Listening Test @ 96 kbps (July 2011)

    Hey guys,   anyone interested in AAC encoders should check out the latest public listening test. It's a combined community effort initiated by IgorC, to see how well different AAC encoders perform.   Follow the...
  15. xnor

    Audio player, equalizer, resampling measurements

    Hey guys,   in the course of developing an equalizer I wondered how well some of the built-in EQs in common audio players perform.   So I decided to do some measurements. In fact, I now have a measurement setup that allows me to capture any sound that goes through Windows' audio...
  16. xnor

    Where did they go?

    With the transition to the all new and improved "forum" a couple of guys left this place. Guess I'm not telling you something new here, but where did these people go?   (I hope there's no rule that bans discussions about other sites...)  
  17. xnor

    Headphones with extended FR response

    Hey guys,   looking for a list of headphones that are able to reproduce (deep) bass while having smooth (i.e. not grado) and extended treble. V-shaped response, price etc. doesn't matter.   I'm thankful for every suggestion. :)
  18. xnor

    About beliefs and "scientific impotence"

    I read an interesting article today, here are some excerpts:   Quote:   Quote:     DOI: 10.1111/j.1559-1816.2010.00588.x
  19. xnor

    HpDiff: a headphone comparison experiment

    ...loud enough so you can still hear the signal clearly. Don't touch the output device's volume anymore from now on As you can hear the signal *beep*, pause, *beep* ... press the [-] volume button until it gets difficult to detect the beep/pause pattern. Select the next higher frequency...
  20. xnor

    How / does distortion add up?

    Let's say there are 3 components. Each one is measured separately for harmonic distortion of a 1 kHz sine wave. a) DAC with 0.0005% (-106dB) b) amp with 0.005% (-86dB) c) headphones with 0.05% (-66dB) What would be the result with all components used together?
  21. xnor

    What's the inductor good for?

    So I found this picture of the HD600 driver and wondered about the inductor on the right side. Is this even an inductor? What's it do?
  22. xnor

    Panasonic RP-HT560, impressions anyone?

    Hey guys, wondered if anyone ever tried these cans. Panasonic RP-HT560: Monitor Headphones with 2-Step Quick-Fit Mechanism for Easy Band Adjustment, Single-Sided Monitoring System, 50mm Large-Diameter Driver Units and Single-Sided Cord I was a bit shocked when I found out that...
  23. xnor

    Speed and transience?

    Hey guys, nearly any 'stat review I've came across mentions the amazing speed and transience etc. Now I have to admit that I don't know much about particular 'stat models, but I've found these interesting measurements on ryu's website: There are other measurements...
  24. xnor

    Looking for closed headphones recommendations

    Hey guys, yay another what to buy thread. I need some recommendations on (first time!) closed headphones that more or less meet these needs: 1) clear sound, no 'senn veil', neither ultra-bass boost nor eardrum piercing treble 2) (some) isolation from outside noise 3) also suitable...
  25. xnor

    What's the point in using ASIO for audio playback?

    What's the point in using ASIO for audio playback? I've compared directsound and ASIO using RMAA and this is what I get as result: Differences are within measurement error range I guess. Properties of the playback device: And what's bit-perfect supposed to mean...