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  1. mape00

    What is Crossfeed?

    Quote: Originally Posted by vkvedam But just a quick question, don't you feel doing so can contribute to coloration and you can't pick the instrument placement perfectly. You usually can't pick out the instrument placement anyways, unless it's a binaural recording. It's a mystery...
  2. mape00

    fiio e5 + er-4?

    Quote: Originally Posted by bjaurelio original post was perhaps unclear. making an edit. My question is whether it would be sufficient for the ER4S or if I need to go with the ER4P as seems to be the pairing I see most on the forum. ER4S + E5 works fine for me.
  3. mape00

    Yes Virgina, There is a difference in USB cables

    Quote: Originally Posted by mbd2884 The OP seems to me an April Fool's joke. My thought too. It was so over the top.
  4. mape00

    Video on open-mindedness

    Quote: Originally Posted by JaZZ No, I'm not a scientist anyway. But could you prove that it's material? I think so, but it depends on your definition of "consciousness". You would have to be precise. I'm not really sure I know what "consciousness" means. Self-awareness is...
  5. mape00

    Video on open-mindedness

    Quote: Originally Posted by Rempert Not everything is in the domain of science. Not everything can be proven true or false through observation and analysis (actually almost nothing can really be proven in an absolute sense). And not every decision can be made through rational thought...
  6. mape00

    Video on open-mindedness

    Quote: Originally Posted by JaZZ If you reserve the term «natural» to material, then consciousness is indeed supernatural. But that's not how I see it. Minds are absolutely part of nature in my book, but they're not material. Consciousness is an abstraction of something that's...
  7. mape00

    Video on open-mindedness

    ...women have periods because God cursed humanity because Eve was tricked by a talking snake into eating an apple from a magical tree. Just making **** up without anything to support it is ignorant and the exact opposite of being open minded. Quote: Originally Posted by JaZZ You can...
  8. mape00

    Video on open-mindedness

    Quote: Originally Posted by JaZZ Can you capture music by measuring neuronal activity? You can't. Consciousness is a separate level of reality. It may depend on the physical, material level (...or it may not...), nevertheless it's a reality level on its own. Every thought and dream of...
  9. mape00

    24bit vs 16bit, the myth exploded!

    Quote: Originally Posted by scompton Not that I disagree in general, but I thought law was applied only to those theories that were proved mathematically. Newton came up with calculus just so he could prove this theories. I could be completely wrong Kind of. You can 'prove'...
  10. mape00


    Quote: Originally Posted by ILikeMusic Guys, the idea that the type of solder used could possibly make any audible difference at all is beyond silly. +1 Companies were forced into lead-free (silver) solder because of environmental regulations. The wetting properties are...
  11. mape00

    er4p, er4s, and The Converter Cable

    Quote: Originally Posted by Rinoue I'm also curious about the p to s converter that's being sold on ebay at the moment, even though those p to s converters is not a genuine one made by etymotic is the end result in sound exactly the same as the official p to s converter?? Yes...
  12. mape00

    fighting the loudness war!

    Quote: Originally Posted by obobskivich shame I can't eat chocolate If that is because you're a dog, you might appreciate the +22 kHz information in the 96 kHz vinyl rips.
  13. mape00

    cable replacement for ER4

    Quote: Originally Posted by Rdr. Seraphim I think I've also read somewhere here that ETY uses a Ag plated Cu formulation for its cables? (Has that been verified?) If so, I wonder if that might explain what some people feel to be a sibilant or bright treble response. Ag in general can...
  14. mape00

    Fun with HDMI cables

    Quote: Originally Posted by markl Taikero, your post seems to be garbled or cut off. It's a very common problem that posts are cut in half when people use low-grade ethernet cables that cost less than $100 per meter.
  15. mape00

    Fake IE8

    Quote: Originally Posted by LouseRight The Sennhaiser have some OEM&ODM factory in China.At beginning Senn have been entrusted the mission that IE8's produce to Factory A(masked name),but the QC of Factory A couldn't fitted Senn's standard.So Senn cancelled the order form.Now all IE8...
  16. mape00

    Fiio E5 killing soundstage?

    I've listened to binaural recordings with the E5 and positioning is as accurate as ever. I think your E5 is broken somehow, or you are imagining things. Edit: I just listened to the Virtual Barbershop through my E5 just to make sure (this is probably the most well-known binaural clip...
  17. mape00

    SoundMAGIC PL30 Adjustable Bass Earphones

    Quote: Originally Posted by stewlewis I've found the SoundMagic here in the UK: Earphones & Earbuds : Zen Cart!, The Art of E-commerce But they also have the £45 Sony EX85 for £13.48. Could they both be fake? The SoundMAGICs are probably real and the Sonys are probably not...
  18. mape00

    Can you tell lossless from lossy with your portable setup?

    Quote: Originally Posted by shigzeo maybe 6 or 7 years ago, but mp3 is pretty damn good now mp3 might be good these days, but can you find one listening test where mp3/LAME has beaten ogg/aoTuV? I'd still say ogg (vorbis) > mp3 holds (for all bitrates).
  19. mape00

    What pairs well with a Sansa Clip?

    Quote: Originally Posted by tstarn06 2.01.16 on the 8GB model, v2 1.01.30 on the 1GB model, v1 (a Woot! refurb) I believe these are the latest firmwares, both support FLAC. Then maybe you just like listening louder than most...
  20. mape00

    What pairs well with a Sansa Clip?

    Quote: Originally Posted by tstarn06 No, mine is set to high, always has been. Thanks though. What hardware revision is your clip? (What does Settings -> System information say?) Maybe there's some kind of difference between the rev. 1 and 2 devices.
  21. mape00

    Questions about drivers and human hearing

    ...If I draw any waveform on a paper in the interval [-L/2,L/2], I can, in a sense, get arbitrarily close to that shape by adding terms c0 + a1*cos(2*pi*x/L) + b1*sin(2*pi*x/L) + a2*cos(4*pi*x/L) + b2*sin(4*pi*x/L) + ... Our ears/brain somehow decomposes the audio signal (does a Fourier...
  22. mape00

    What pairs well with a Sansa Clip?

    Quote: Originally Posted by tstarn06 Agree the Clip can't drive the PFEs very well, at least not my Clip (nor yours, apparently). They do sound good, but it's frustrating. I add the E5 and it helps, but sometimes, depending on the track, still not enough volume. And I am not talking...
  23. mape00

    Can you tell lossless from lossy with your portable setup?

    Quote: Originally Posted by TheMarchingMule I managed to do that five times in a row before I stopped. Crazy, no? Yeah, there's only a 1/120 = 0.83% chance of doing that by chance, so it's pretty good. Even if you want to be cynical and disregard the first correct choice (the...
  24. mape00

    Can you tell lossless from lossy with your portable setup?

    Quote: Originally Posted by Buckster I thought high level recordings (like a lot of recent releases) are very prone to clipping when compressed to MP3,AAC, OGG etc - no matter the bitrate something to do with any artefacts that are created in the waveforms when compressed in a lossy...
  25. mape00

    Can you tell lossless from lossy with your portable setup?

    Quote: Originally Posted by Buckster one good thing about Lossless - unless I am mistaken - lossless is not prone to clipping ? if it was - it would not be lossless wheras even high bitrate non-lossless - is prone to clipping, which unless something is done about it (a faff) - then...