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  1. Monsterzero

    Recomendations for the best cost (HD6XX vs HD560S vs Others at same price point)

    I agree with what has been said already. I'll add to it by saying that the hd6xx on a dongle might sound a bit underwhelming. Most who have heard the 6xx on a good tube amp will sing its praises, but it doesn't sound like you can afford a pricey amp at this point in time.
  2. Monsterzero

    Show us your dog!

    WOW! Rolo looks like a stuffed toy, just an absolute beauty.
  3. Monsterzero

    ZMF Caldera Closed

    I plan to, yes. :)
  4. Monsterzero

    ZMF Caldera Closed

    Sneaking in some early evening listening. Everytime I listen to the Caldera closed I'm taken by the depth of the stage, the holographic soundscape is simply breathtaking. It doesnt hurt that 3D-ness is one of my favorite aspects of headphone listening. I absolutely love this headphone.
  5. Monsterzero

    Are Zmf auteur classic worth it?

    Yeah, the Auteur classic will do quite nicely.
  6. Monsterzero

    Are Zmf auteur classic worth it?

    I agree with everything the fine gentlemen above said, but I would ask you what genres of music do you typically listen to? ZMF has a headphone for everybody, but some ZMFs are better for certain genres than others.
  7. Monsterzero

    ZMF Caldera - New Planar Magnetic from ZMF!

    reminds me to share this gem I found on FB a couple of weeks ago. @goldwerger can relate.
  8. Monsterzero

    ZMF Caldera Closed

    Last evening i had one of those moments where all of the stars and planets aligned and was treated to audio nirvana. Pushing the 'shuffle' button on Roon while in my 'Headsets' playlist, I was treated to, in this order: The Caldera closed is capable of some seriously epic separation and...
  9. Monsterzero

    The (Un)Official Amp Thread For ZMF Headphones

    I have that same Marantz. Pretty much all vintage receivers are a fantastic match for high impedance headphones. :deadhorse: You can get a vintage piece with more watts and less cash by some of the less popular brands like Akai, Onkyo, Fisher, Toshiba, etc,,, Marantz, Sansui and Pioneer...
  10. Monsterzero

    THE WATERCOOLER HEADPHONE EDITION – Headphones, Amps, DACs, and desktop/home audio related – a freewheeling discussion of gear, impressions, music, and musings.

    I love it. I can't recommend battery systems enough. Granted it won't work for everyone, and if you happen to be fortunate enough to have good, clean electricity eminating from your wall, then your results might differ from mine, but the differences I'm getting are plainly obvious. A wise...
  11. Monsterzero

    UFOs Are Real, Now What?

    Not holding my breath
  12. Monsterzero

    ZMF Aegis Official Thread

    Nice! If anyone is interested in trying the EL51 in the Aegis, I can say they can be difficult to source. Tesla was the maker of my pairs. In the Lampizator TRP, the EL51s were extremely midrange focused with a wide stage , making them good choices for acoustic and classical, not so much for...
  13. Monsterzero

    ZMF Aegis Official Thread

    My EL51 met a less productive fate. The trashbin. :( Footnote #2, the EL51 was for my Lampizator DAC, not the Aegis. I asked Keenan about compatability with the Aegis, but it was not determined one way or the other.
  14. Monsterzero

    ZMF Aegis Official Thread

    A little footnote to add.... When using tubes with a top cap, once you have securely attached the adapter, do not try and remove the adapter and wire from the cap. The top cap can and will get stuck in the adapter, ripping a hole in the tube. Don't ask me how I know. Just buy new adapters.
  15. Monsterzero

    ZMF BOKEH - Closed Back (Semi-Portable)

    I'm not doubting you, but only the AC has bigger bass than the Atticus in my experience. I recently received the Bokeh and I was expecting bigger bass than it has, so it's a bit odd that you're perceiving it as vice/versa.
  16. Monsterzero

    ZMF Aegis Official Thread

    Would it make sense to put together a tube compatibility spreadsheet for the Aegis, similar to what @Zachik did for the GOTL? Probably a lot of work initially, but it would probably save a lot of time in the long term.
  17. Monsterzero

    ZMF BOKEH - Closed Back (Semi-Portable)

    Not only beautiful, but your headphones would keep the moths away as well Blacklight activated headphones?!? Oh man! I'm not sure they'd ever actually make it onto my head.
  18. Monsterzero

    THE WATERCOOLER HEADPHONE EDITION – Headphones, Amps, DACs, and desktop/home audio related – a freewheeling discussion of gear, impressions, music, and musings.

    The Merason should be up to speed in under an hour. I usually let my system warm up for an hour or two prior to listening. As far as r2r dacs go, I give the same warm up time to the Pontus 2 12th as well, but I'm probably leaving money on the table doing that. You can use it while it's...
  19. Monsterzero

    THE WATERCOOLER HEADPHONE EDITION – Headphones, Amps, DACs, and desktop/home audio related – a freewheeling discussion of gear, impressions, music, and musings.

    It does have a fan that makes a faint sound, but only when charging from the wall, dunno about solar charging. The fan doesn't come on when not charging. Once the charge is complete I unplug the charging cable and only turn the battery on when I'm listening
  20. Monsterzero

    ZMF Aegis Official Thread

    I really like Lessloss cables, but like anything in audio, synergy is king. Lessloss cables are warm, spacious with excellent staging depth. Not cheap. Amplifier Surgery makes some good, inexpensive (relatively) cables, but silver plated. Not bright, nor strident etched or bass light. I have...