Recent content by zuk0v
  1. zuk0v

    Total headphone rookie here! How do I choose a headphone/amp combo?

    Why do you want a portable amp? Curious, because the HD650 would be a rather...unpopular choice for portable use.   I own the HD650s + FiiO e7/e9 combo and I am very pleased with the sound. I've been told they are great for a beginner's foray into hi-fi audio, and I must agree, although I...
  2. zuk0v

    The AKG K550 Impressions and Discussion Thread!

    OK so I just picked up a pair of these bad boys. I've only had a few hours with them so far, but to me they seem pretty much the same as others are describing: bass is tight, controlled - the only headphones I have other than these are the HD650s and the bass definitely sounds 'better' on the...
  3. zuk0v

    Does anyone else have this issue with music?

    Quote: Not really. I kind of accepted the fact that my left ear "hears" slightly different than my right ear. I've noticed this ever since I was younger and while talking on the phone, a person's voice would sound noticeably different in one ear compared to the other. I think my brain...
  4. zuk0v

    Does anyone else have this issue with music?

    Whenever I listen to music on my headphones, I have a lot of difficulty in creating a soundstage. This is specifically my problem:   When vocals and drums play through my headphones, they sound as if they are a single instrument, and I can place the singer / drummer somewhere around me if I...
  5. zuk0v

    Sennheiser HD650 price drop?

    It was at $349 in early January this year when I bought mine. It fluctuates for whatever reason. I'd consider now a good time to buy, since the HD650's spend most of their time at the $500 mark.
  6. zuk0v

    Simon Cowell says he making the best

    Why are the cups so puffy? those look uncomfortable as hell   i predict these will be like the Souls, bought by people who are too hipster to be seen wearing beats
  7. zuk0v

    Headphones that play great WITHOUT expensive audio system

    Quote:   As much as I hate it when people come into a thread and suggest the exact opposite of what the OP wants, I'm doing it anyway   I strongly recommend getting a decent* AMP, DAC, and headphones, and with your budget, that won't be challenging at all. Your budget is 3x what mine...
  8. zuk0v

    Sennheiser HD 600 / 650 Room Noise

    Open headphones aren't that loud at all. Others will notice if you're cranking it. Medium volume to you will sound quiet to someone five feet away.   If your office is really noisy, you might be dissatisfied, meaning the noise will interfere with your audio experience, but I'm sure since...
  9. zuk0v

    High, shrilly "S"s

    I'm not sure if this is the right forum to post this question (or even if the right forum exists on this web site), but I'll try anyway.   Lately I've noticed, sometimes when someone makes the "sh" sound in a song or movie, it comes through my headphones as loud as a whistle and incredibly...
  10. zuk0v

    How much are headphone amps and how do they work?

    Quote: I don't get it. In the time it took you to post this, you could've posted an answer to all of the OP's questions. Also, fourteen.   I actually found it not that easy to find information on audiophilia once I decided to get into the hobby. I thought, at the time (2 years ago) that...
  11. zuk0v

    A question about diminishing returns

    I've owned my HD650's and FiiO e7/e9 amp/dac for about nine months now. It's my only "audiophile" set I've ever owned. Lately, I've been getting the feeling that my headphones do not sound quite as impressive as they used to. I can't mark it down to any single trait; the overall sound is either...
  12. zuk0v

    Songs that sound bad on your headphones

    I have the HD650s hooked up to a FiiO e7/e9 playing from my laptop.   I would be hesitant to say anything sounds "bad" on this set, but anything metal is definitely the least impressive genre I've encountered thus far.
  13. zuk0v

    I feel petty, but this annoyed me ...

    Understandable to feel that way about it, I probably would too.   I think you may have felt he was "unqualified" or something similar, to test your headphones?   It seems a lot of things in this world are about perspective. From your point of view, he didn't give the headphones a proper...
  14. zuk0v

    Best Headphones for mid range price?

    hd650 if you can find them on sale, but that won't include an amp/dac   i got my hd650's for about $350 on amazon a few months ago, and i could not be happier (unless i had an hd800, i guess, but that is besides the point)
  15. zuk0v

    Crazy prices on a local store . Which headphones would you buy ?

    that's actually a pretty good price for the hd800, especially when compared to the d5000's inflated price (!!!)   but if you don't have the liquid to buy an amp with it, then that sucks.