Recent content by zeplin
  1. zeplin

    Question about Triple.Fi 10

    ^^^ i've also been very confused about this seemingly subjective/all-over-the-place issue as well?  is the difference between the Westone cable and the ES8 cable (besides the size/placement of the pins) really THAT different?   and even if they are 2 different brands, it looks like they use...
  2. zeplin

    Help me w/ a subwoofer problem... pretty please?

    yeah, it still does make that "loose connection" sound when i plug in just the single dig sub cable to the positive RCA input jack by itself... w/out the Y-adapter.  but, the sound/interference doesn't seem to be as pronounced?  i'm sure you know, but the reason why i use the Y adapter is...
  3. zeplin

    Help me w/ a subwoofer problem... pretty please?

    ^^^ Thanx a lot for the response, I really appreciate it!     So I opened up that panel on the back of my sub (a total of 20+ screws) and everything looks good as far as the soldering goes(which I've never done btw), as far as I can tell.  Since I couldn't really do anything, I proceeded...
  4. zeplin

    Help me w/ a subwoofer problem... pretty please?

    Bump to the top.   Any advice at all is welcome    Thanx :)
  5. zeplin

    Help me w/ a subwoofer problem... pretty please?

    OK, I've had my Klipsch RSW-12 sub-woofer for almost 8 years now and have never had any problems whatsoever... until now.   So the other day when I was getting ready to start a movie, like I usually do, I had to hook up some cables between my receiver and sub (just your basic RCA digital...
  6. zeplin

    Head-Fi Old School Roll Call.........

    I haven't been around in a while, but I'm lookin' for a comeback. Only this comeback will be entirely message board discussion related as I have no money to burn a huge hole in my wallet like I once did... which I guess is kind of a good thing! Anyways, I think I joined around 6 or 7 years...
  7. zeplin

    Senn650 & Zu cable issue... please help!

    its been a long time since i've posted here, so i don't really know whose still around from the "old" days (i.e. 2-3 yrs ago). anyways, when i first bought the 650's, i also bought the Zu cable to go along with it based on an overwhelming amount of advice telling me that they were a great...
  8. zeplin

    Sennheiser HD650 & Massdrop HD6XX Impressions Thread

    i too have had a great relationship with my 650's. they present a certain type of sound that i just love and can't get away from! i've had the same experiences some of you have already described where you buy or listen to another headphone, only to come crawling back to the 650's. it's like i've...
  9. zeplin

    Learning to type! Where to start?

    i would say i'm an ok-->so-so typist that could use some work and practice! however, as of late, a job opportunity in the near future has opened up. it is a job that will require various computer skills as well as knowledge of a lot of different computer programs. i figure that right now, the...
  10. zeplin

    DVD burnin' ?'s

    Thanx you guys for the recommendations. It is overwhelmeing to nothing about something and on top of that have a million different choices. Thanx again, it is appreciated Anyone else have anything else to offer in the way of software (free or not free) that allows for duplicating DVD's?
  11. zeplin

    DVD burnin' ?'s

    I'd figure I'd come here to ask since I know and trust so many of you guys here on head-fi! So in your personal opinion, what are some of the best programs out there for burning DVD's...copy right protected and all the other mumbo jumbo (sorry if that's illegal to discuss). I know next to...
  12. zeplin

    What do ya'll think about ROTK: EE??

    Me being the LOTR freak that I am, I of course bought it the second it came out, and to no surprize it was simply amazing!! WOW! One of the many ways it can be described is in one phrase...THE BEST EVER! It is by far better than the other two EE, althought the first one FOTR, is still a close...
  13. zeplin

    just bought the nintendo DS

    I bought it as well and it is the sole reason as to why I haven't been posting on here lately. Actually, I've completely dropped headphones for about 2 months in order to 1. play more vidoe-games (and concentrate on school of course) and 2. to just take a good, needed break from headphones. I...
  14. zeplin

    Please, I need help fast!!!!

    Orpheus, That sounds exactly like me and the way I complete my work...unless of course it is an 20 page paper, single spaced. In some wierd way, I can more easily concentrate when I procrastinate If I had such a hard time doing everything at the very last second, I wouldn't do it the way I do...
  15. zeplin

    Please, I need help fast!!!!

    again, thank you all for all the help you given me. i can't seem to find any .dat, *.bak, or anything in the temp folder. someone on another board said that windows 2000 and up automatically saves a back-up, but i can't seem to find it. it looks like i'm starting all over again i'm going get in...