Recent content by Zeo
  1. Zeo

    Has burn-in changed your IE8?

    Quote: Originally Posted by Alec E It's becoming clear that "I know what I know" and other tautologies are all that's forthcoming from the burn-in advocates. I would have expected better on Head-Fi. Not that I'm a "tautologies lover", but sometimes, it's just like stats : I take...
  2. Zeo

    Has burn-in changed your IE8?

    Quote: Originally Posted by dweaver Zeo I see you found the appropriate thread to proselytize . It was not my point. My point was : how to promote an IEM by saying : - It is going to take 50 hours to get the sound quality of a PFE (3 time less expensive IEM) - Then 500 to...
  3. Zeo


    Well, I don't want to be rude, but it is what I call "ears awakening". It is simply that you not used to have this kind of harmonics through your IEM. It takes time to fully appreciate. I had the same when I switched from ES3x.
  4. Zeo


    Quote: Originally Posted by ilney That is what I've been told. Still, if I was to shoot for that kind of sound, I would've ordered the JH13-Pro PS: It would be interesting if someone can compare the EM2-pro with the JH13-pro. 2 vs 6!!! EM2 vs JH is quite simple : I owned both...
  5. Zeo


    Quote: Originally Posted by shigzeo But, the EM3Pro is pretty damn amazing. EM2Pro is as good, some prefer the EM2Pro because of a greater neutrality and cleaner bass.
  6. Zeo

    Anyone else feel that vocals on the IE8's are veiled?

    That's not about believing or not. 50 hours is the average time needed to "educate" a ear. That's why the "first" impression has to be considered carefully : you cannot judge an IE8 if you are a Q-jay user, listening music 10 hours a day on MP3 256, and expect to understand and acknowledge...
  7. Zeo

    Anyone else feel that vocals on the IE8's are veiled?

    Quote: Originally Posted by prodigy_techus Psychological changes notwithstanding, burn-in phenomenon is a common technique in hardware engineering circles, you'd know that if you dealt with engines or high performance motors etc - basicall any electromechanical/mechanical dynamic system...
  8. Zeo

    Anyone else feel that vocals on the IE8's are veiled?

    No it takes 600 to 800 hours to your ear to get used to your IEM. Bur in is a complete myth.
  9. Zeo

    Shure SE530 vs. Westone UM2

    UM2 has short high, short mid, and a very poor soundstage, but good dynamic and very clean basses. UM3x are quite different since they have defined highs and mids, but still a clear and net bass, and they have a really wider soundstage. The UM2 for me is a "M" sound : high lack of definition...
  10. Zeo

    Has burn-in changed your IE8?

    Well I believe that it is a myth. It the bur in requirement was true, I think that sennheiser would do the burn in in the fabrication process. Who would be silly enough to selle a product with "oh btw, you need a 500H bur in to use it properly!". the IE 8 Burn in issue is a psychological...
  11. Zeo


    The insono dual driver is a marvellous IEM.
  12. Zeo


    Quote: Originally Posted by GuyDebord I agree, the Insono products look sub-par, of course looks can be deceiving but looks like this is hardly the case.... btw, the british flag works.... C'était difficile à voir...
  13. Zeo


    Franck is a true passionate. The ony things he wouldn't accept is an unsatisfied customer. Customisation is also more limitated thanJH becauseFranck don't want to use materialsthat could modify the sound result. Btw,I suppose no one knows the local Earsonic competitor:insono?
  14. Zeo


    A kind of magic !