Recent content by yfei
  1. yfei

    LG V60 ThinQ smartphone

    which part? " to achieve the best sound , must use UAPP as player, and change driver flag to DIRECT" ? yes, to me this is real, and this is the only way to enjoy LG V60. without doing this, LG V60's highs have some issues. "working like NOS mode" ? no, I don't think it is real NOS...
  2. yfei

    Best Smartphone for audiophile Part II (Updated: Jan 2020)

    There are many DACs at that price range, e.g. dCS, Esoteric,... But MSB is the most realistic one, maybe the ONLY realistic one. Other DACs are stunning, ear-catching, wow the audience. There are ear-catching DACs in all price ranges. While MSB is the opposite, at first...
  3. yfei

    Best Smartphone for audiophile Part II (Updated: Jan 2020)

    I agree that the best audiophile phone maybe at level of $500 ~ $1000 DACs. can not beat dacs beyond that range. And for driving IEM only, not for full side headphones.
  4. yfei

    Best Smartphone for audiophile Part II (Updated: Jan 2020)

    all depends on the definition of "audiophile grade". if audiophile grade means truely great dacs like MSB DAC, then that's right, there is no audiophile grade phones. if audiophile grade starts from $500 level usb dongles, like Chord Mojo, Dragonfly Cobalt, then there are audiophile...
  5. yfei

    LG V60 ThinQ smartphone

    What's your impression of the V60's sound, when using UAPP and turned off the filters ?
  6. yfei

    LG V60 ThinQ smartphone

    Using UAPP and turn on the DIRECT flag, the result is : go to LG HiFi setting, try switching between the 3 preset filters, you will not hear any change in sound, that means they are all turned off. Using Neutron, do you observe the same ?
  7. yfei

    LG V60 ThinQ smartphone

    For V60, how to achieve the best sound : see my posts. Basically, use UAPP as player, change audio driver flag to DIRECT, it will bypass all the filters, working like NOS mode. Then the sound is superb. The sound is so great, actually I haven't found any DAC that is...
  8. yfei

    Best Smartphone for audiophile Part II (Updated: Jan 2020)

    which player app do you use?
  9. yfei

    LG V60 ThinQ smartphone

    Yes, on LG V serices phones, using UAPP, after checking the 'Direct' or 'Raw' flag, this warning dialog will appear. But don't worry, it will lead to better sound. To double check if this 'filter by-passing' mode is working: open LG HiFi setting dialog, try switching these 3 filter...
  10. yfei

    LG V60 ThinQ smartphone

    PS. I have mentioned several time in earlier posts, on LG phones using UAPP we can achieve the 4th filter mode: 'no filter'. By pass the filters (Short, Sharp, Slow). This just feels like Cayin RU6's 'NOS' mode. Cayin RU6 thread...
  11. yfei

    LG V60 ThinQ smartphone

    I use 64 Audio U12, and Vision Ears VE8 as main IEM. These IEMs are pretty high resolution, low colorization, and very balanced. My preference on V60 phone is based on these 2 IEMs. They need high definition input, and don't need any sound tweaking or colorizations from the DACs...
  12. yfei

    LG V60 ThinQ smartphone

    I no longer have other LG phones to compare with V60. But I have several dongles including Blue dragonfly, L&P W2, Cayin RU6, Mojo, .... V60 is much much much better than all these dongles. in terms of fidelity, correctness, perfectness. It is fun to compare between all these...
  13. yfei

    Best Smartphone for audiophile Part II (Updated: Jan 2020)

    V30, V40, V50 phones in the US (e.g. TMobile) were tuned by LG, no B&O or Meridian. I have tried both models and like LG tuning better, because it has less colorization and tweaks. V60 : My understanding is: there is 'no tuning' available. (or you can say it is tuned by...
  14. yfei

    Best Smartphone for audiophile Part II (Updated: Jan 2020)

    Highly recommend to try LG V60. To me, not only the sound is different from V10~V50 (V20~V50's sound are more or less the same. while V60 is very different), the screen is also much better than V30~V50. And I am a photographer, V60's camera is my favorite, better than iPhones, Samsungs...
  15. yfei

    Best Smartphone for audiophile Part II (Updated: Jan 2020)

    " low PWM display with fake whites (yuck) and low ppi." I didn't notice these problems. I love V60's display, it is a major upgrade from V30,40,50. All previous LG model's display quality were kind of funky, and not competitive compared to Samsung and other brands. The only model with...