Recent content by xerojin
  1. xerojin

    HELP! Suggestions for Sennheiser HD800 - HDVD800 or WA22?

      Thank you!!! Those look very nice.   Since I'm looking for end-game, I think I will I'm all in for the Auralic Taurus and possibly for the Yulong DA8.   I had a question about the DAC. I was wondering what the difference is between the Yulong DA8 and AURALiC VEGA. The AURALiC VEGA is way...
  2. xerojin

    HELP! Suggestions for Sennheiser HD800 - HDVD800 or WA22?

    I love hearing individual instruments with as much accuracy as possible and good sound stage.      Audio Technica ATH-M50 Grado Prestige Series SR125i    Audio Technica ATH-M50 Like: more detail and bass than cheap headphones. Dislike: feels like I'm in a small room. Grado...
  3. xerojin

    HELP! Suggestions for Sennheiser HD800 - HDVD800 or WA22?

      First, I'd like to thank everyone who has responded! You guys are wonderful!   I have not actually heard those amps and it would be rather difficult for me to try.  I'm relying mainly on the community of experts to give me perceptions of what each of the amps offer in hopes to make an...
  4. xerojin

    HELP! Suggestions for Sennheiser HD800 - HDVD800 or WA22?

      Thanks! I'll look into the HDVA600 as well.
  5. xerojin

    HELP! Suggestions for Sennheiser HD800 - HDVD800 or WA22?

    Hey guys,   So I'm planning to buy a Sennheiser HD800 in the future and was looking for an amp. I've seen the HDVD800 as being a good match but I heard many accolades given to the WA22.   I'm looking to not replace or buy new equipment after my first and only purchase unless something breaks...
  6. xerojin

    HELP! Suggestions for Sennheiser HD800 - HDVD800 or WA22?

    ok, I was going to post there but then I saw the big red text saying "Stop!" lol, I'll move to that forum. Thanks!
  7. xerojin

    HELP! Suggestions for Sennheiser HD800 - HDVD800 or WA22?

    Hey guys,   So I'm planning to buy a Sennheiser HD800 in the future and was looking for an amp. I've seen the HDVD800 as being a good match but I heard many accolades given to the WA22.   I'm looking to not replace or buy new equipment after my first and only purchase unless something breaks...