Recent content by wjat
  1. wjat


    how are the ne-770x's? at $10 are they a solid choice for everyday commute?
  2. wjat


      please, please, please do yourself a favor and get a real setup (i.e., not driven speakers). the sound is SO much better with separate amp+speakers, and you can always add a preamp/sub or upgrade the amp/speakers later on.
  3. wjat

    my me-11's lost sound in the right ear (rec similar iem w/ better cable)

    i'm 90% sure it's due to the cable messing up. it started going last week, and messing with the cable seemed to fix it. when i tried them yesterday, the sound was completely gone in the right ear so now im back to ksc75's for a little while. can i get some recs for an iem under $50 that's...
  4. wjat

    Why no love for Dusty?

    i dont have a lot of experience with other headphones or amps, but right now i have a 120ohm 595 coming out of a vhp-2 right now (just ordered the vac-1 actually), and i like it a lot
  5. wjat

    3.5mm -> rca

    im using the audioquest mini3
  6. wjat

    Recommendations for ripping/encoding?

    id go with 320bit mp3s instead of flac; i find the extra room that flac takes to not be worth it also, im planning on setting up a similar system to yours (computer-dac-amp-cans); im probably going to be purchasing a hagusb once i get a dac
  7. wjat

    TBAAM + PA2V2 + KSC75 = Good budget rig?

    Quote: Originally Posted by mapleleafs Does anyone know how to use kernel streaming or ASIO with the TBAAM (using the windows drivers)? I got ASIO to work with my laptop soundcard, but it doesn't seem to be working with my TBAAM... kernal streaming in foobar you just have to go...
  8. wjat

    Official Foobar Gallery

  9. wjat

    Bluejeans LC-1 RCA cables?

    monster cables are overmarketed
  10. wjat

    guys i have a rock that keeps tigers away, im selling it for only $200
  11. wjat

    tell me about transports

    well, i want to build a new setup over the coming months that i can use between both a laptop and a computer, and so im going to need a usb transport. however, seeing as there are so many different ones (ua-1ex, transit, hagusb, empirical audio stuff, xitel pro hifi link, etc), i think one...
  12. wjat

    USB Cable Comparison

    cmon, this forum has discussions over which lossless forms sound best, and usb cables cant sound different?
  13. wjat

    USB Cable Comparison

    Quote: Originally Posted by necropimp something tells me any difference would be purely psychological it's 1s and 0s people... but he said he tested on his wife who didnt know which was which...
  14. wjat

    Female side-entry power cord?

    Quote: Originally Posted by nelamvr6 OK, you're probably not meaning for me to be thinking about what the thread title made me think about. haha same