Recent content by williaty
  1. williaty

    BitPerfect (was: Audirvana Alternatives)

    That's to be expected. When BitPerfect is active, it actually takes over the playing duties from iTunes. All iTunes does at that point is to provide a pretty interface for you to tell BitPerfect which files to play.
  2. williaty

    Recommend an in-ear for audiobooks ONLY

    My wife has an iPod Nano that she uses to listen to audiobooks while she works. She ONLY listens to audiobooks, NEVER music. Her work environment is pretty loud, so she'd like to move to something that provides some isolation from the outside sounds. Right now, she's using the white iBuds that...
  3. williaty

    Crack;Bottlehead OTL

    I finally got around to changing the volume control in my Crack; something which I had only meant to do for the last several years.. sigh. I went with a Valab 23-position 50k-ohm ladder stepper. Two thoughts: 1) This is easily the most craptastic switch I've ever touched. 2) I really should...
  4. williaty

    Can you recommend a speaker for <$700 that doesn't sound terrible?

    I already have one of everything, I just don't like some of them. So, yes, I already have an amp that'll work until it can be upgraded.
  5. williaty

    Can you recommend a speaker for <$700 that doesn't sound terrible?

    I'm in a position where I'm rebuilding my system basically from scratch. I'm also in a HUGE room now, which I've never had to deal with before. In the long run, I'm going to buy some large high-end floorstanders but I won't have the money to do so for quite a while. In the meantime, I need...
  6. williaty

    Crack;Bottlehead OTL

    Hpiper, to answer your question, I'd charge pretty much spot on what the official Bottlehead builder (Shawn P.) charges. If you figure about how long it takes to assemble a kit and about what a reasonable wage is for moderately skilled work, the prices listed are very reasonable to both parties.
  7. williaty

    Crack;Bottlehead OTL

    In the past, it was possible to have your kit built by sort of a factory-authorized builder. I'm not sure what the current status on that is but I'm sure you can go to the Bottlehead Forum and ask to get a quick answer.
  8. williaty

    Is there such a thing as a box that reads digital music files and sends them to a DAC yet isn't a traditional computer?

    I have a headphone setup that has been working well for me. It's fed by a Mac with iTunes+BitPerfect outputting to a HRT MSII+ DAC. The problem is the Mac is now an ex computer. It was apparently pining for the fjords and now its metabolic processes are of interest only to historians. Anyway...
  9. williaty

    For 6AS7G tube rollers here .....

    Is anyone aware of fake/counterfeit GEC 6080WA or 6AS7 tubes? I'm being offered two at a decent price from a seller in Hong Kong but the phrase "decent price" doesn't naturally occur next to "GEC" :lol:
  10. williaty

    Sennheiser HD600 Rattle/Buzz

    OK, I took apart the headphones and found that the driver was not fully clipped in place on the right side. Sadly, fixing that did not cure the problem. If you want to know a specific example, 3:30 to 4:00 on the track "Bill Mon" on the Little Worlds album by Bela Fleck and the Flecktones has a...
  11. williaty

    Sennheiser HD600 Rattle/Buzz

    I set up my first headphone system about 6 months ago. Early on, I noticed a sort of strange sound that I wrote off to being something else. I finally got annoyed enough at it to take the time to try to isolate which component it's coming from. The difficulty with testing is that I only have one...
  12. williaty

    BitPerfect (was: Audirvana Alternatives)

    No, it doesn't work. I've confused myself with this a couple of times. When you have an AirPlay device active in iTunes and then fire up BitPerfect, you end up with audio coming out the local output. In fact, if BP is even running, you CAN'T send audio output to an AirPlay device.
  13. williaty

    Crack;Bottlehead OTL

    Quote: Yes it is! HRT MSII+>Crack+Speedball>HD600 is quite a nice setup for a lot less money than you'd expect to pay for sound this good.
  14. williaty

    Review of BitPerfect: An iTunes Audio Helper/Companion

    Amarra was too expensive for me to even consider, so I don't know what it does or doesn't do compared to