Car Audio
Headphone Inventory
IEMS: Gorilla Ears CIEM AT5, Aurisonics ASG2.0, Heir Audio 3.Ai, FocalPrice CK700, JVC "Marshmallow" HAFX34B, Etymotic HF2, Dunu I3C-S, Brainwavz R1

Buds: HiSoundAudio PAA1-Pro

Over Ear: Shure SRH750DJ, AKG K612 Pro

On Ear: None
Headphone Amp Inventory
Fiio E11
Yulong Audio Sabre DA8
Yulong Audio Canary Daart
Schiit Vali
Soundblaster E5
Source Inventory
Soundblaster E5
Schiit Wyrd
Schiit Modi
Sager NP8236 Realtek HD Audio with Optical Audio
Samsung Galaxy S4 w/32Gb Class 6 Microsd Card
Cable Inventory
Fiio E11 LOD
Nyrius NWOC500 Optical Cable
Music Preferences
Rap, Hip Hop, Rock, Alternative, pretty much anything from Queen to Beach Boys to Metallica and Ja Rule.


Headphones: Auriosonics ASG 2.0, FocalPrice CK700, JVC "Marshmallow" HAFX34B, Dunu I3C-S, Thinksound MS01, Hisoundaudio PAA-1 Pro, AKG K612Pro, Shure SRH750DJ
Amps: Yulong Daart Canary, Schiit Vali, Fiio E11, Soundblaster E5
Source: Schiit Wyrd, Schiit Modi, Samsung Galaxy Note 9 128GB with 32GB Class 10 SD Card, Sager NP8157

