Recent content by wahhabb
  1. wahhabb

    AudioQuest Dragonfly Review : Affordable, Outstanding, Tiny DAC / Amp

    Thanks so much! I just ordered one. You can also order it off of eBay at the same price.
  2. wahhabb

    Testing audiophile claims and myths

    Quote: Great article! Thanks for the post.
  3. wahhabb

    Testing audiophile claims and myths

    I haven't done double-blind testing, but I have often done single blind testing, either with my wife or a friend. I would play a minute or two of a tune, make a change that they couldn't see, and play the same piece again. I'd often switch back and forth a couple of times, sometimes with the...
  4. wahhabb

    LCD-2, LCD-3, Owners and the Music They Love...

    Really appreciate this thread! It's great to get some new recommendations.   I listen to mostly classical, especially choral music, like Talis Scholars, Anonymous 4, Chanticleer... Also lots of chamber music. I like Arvo Part, Tavener, and some other minimalists.   For Pop, I'm a big fan...
  5. wahhabb

    Audeze LCD-3 and $1K amp or Audeze LCD-2 and $2K, where is the sweet spot?

    Boy, I agree with that. Listening to my LCD3 without a DAC, even with an excellent amp, loses way too much. Of course, there's always a DAC--in my case, built into my Macbook Pro, but even a modest outboard DAC is a big improvement over that.
  6. wahhabb

    Amp recommendations for Audeze LCD-3

    I've been very happy with the Peak/Volcano combo sold by TTVJ. Haven't heard a wide range of other options in the same price range, but the ones I have tried don't measure up.
  7. wahhabb

    Best place to buy an ATH - M50?

    Amazon lists an open box pair (S model) never used, for $113, with fulfillment by Amazon. If (like me) you get free two-day shipping, that's a great deal. I've always had good luck with returns when needed with Amazon.
  8. wahhabb

    Testing audiophile claims and myths

    I used to read articles that claimed that all that mattered about audio gear was whether it produced a flat frequency response curve. It's obvious now that much more is required. For example, transient response is critical to creating the sound of an instrument. Other features, like very low...
  9. wahhabb

    AudioQuest Dragonfly Review : Affordable, Outstanding, Tiny DAC / Amp

    I've been thinking about getting one of these. I have a Macbook Pro and LCD3's, and while I don't take them on the road often, I'd like something a step up from my Fiio E17 for when I do. While someone said this will drive the LCD3, has anyone tried it? Is this a step you would recommend for me...
  10. wahhabb

    Meridian Explorer DAC/Amp Stream of Consciousness Review (WARNING: Not Good)

    I was feeling very hopeful about this device based on Meridian's reputation and the very positive review in Absolute Sound. I feel puzzled but cautious after reading some of the items on this thread. I have a Fiio E17 and was expecting this or a Dragonfly to be a step up. Am I better off staying...
  11. wahhabb

    Testing audiophile claims and myths

    I find myself puzzled by the whole blind testing issue. As a scientist, I certainly believe in the value of double-blind testing. I am very much aware that our expectation color our experience. If you're told some amp costs $30K, you are likely to say it sounds better than one that costs $3K...
  12. wahhabb

    Reply to review by 'wahhabb' on item 'Astell & Kern AK120'

    Thanks so much for creating a helpful review! So often all the reviews one sees in the audio rags are filled with glowing superlatives. It's every bit as helpful to know what is wrong with a piece of gear as what is right. I had read before that there were "some interface weaknesses" with this...
  13. wahhabb

    HEADPHONE MEET at the Headmaster in San Francisco 8/10/2013

    Bummer--discovered I will be out of town that day--sorry to miss all of you.   --Wahhab  
  14. wahhabb

    HEADPHONE MEET at the Headmaster in San Francisco 8/10/2013

    This sounds great! Would love to come and bring my LCD3's. I don't have any other gear that is portable enough to bring at this time. Thanks for organizing.