Recent content by visualguy
  1. visualguy

    The Stax Thread III

      Yes - that worked fine for me with the SRM-323S.
  2. visualguy

    The Audio Technica W3000ANV Thread

      Interesting... Vocals sound closer, more intimate, and more detailed to me on my SR-009 and W3000ANV than my TH-900. It's not a subtle difference - it's immediately noticeable.
  3. visualguy

    The Audio Technica W3000ANV Thread

      The recessed mids of the TH-900 make them sound less detailed and like something is missing. The somewhat distant vocals are also a significant disadvantage. I don't think you can call them reference with these issues. I would consider the SR-009 to be reference.   The W3000ANV aren't...
  4. visualguy

    The Stax Thread III

      Yes, you need a transformer. The Churi is good, but you can get less expensive ones, like from PowerBright.   By the way, the SR-507 are very bright in general, and particularly with the SRM-323S. I had this setup, and wouldn't recommend it unless you love bright sound. Also, the SR-507 are...
  5. visualguy

    The Audio Technica W3000ANV Thread

    I just got my TH-900. My other closed headphones are the ATH-W3000ANV. Here's how they compare:   TH-900 Advantages: (-) More comfortable. They surround the ears, while the W3000ANV press on the ears. (-) Bigger soundstage (-) More impactful bass, but it can intrude too much   W3000ANV...
  6. visualguy

    Fostex TH900 Impressions & Discussion Thread

    I just got my TH-900. My other closed headphones are the ATH-W3000ANV. Here's how they compare:   TH-900 Advantages: (-) More comfortable. They surround the ears, while the W3000ANV press on the ears. (-) Bigger soundstage (-) More impactful bass, but it can intrude too much   W3000ANV...
  7. visualguy

    The Stax Thread III

    I listen to both headphones and speakers. Headphones mostly when I don't want to bother other people. Otherwise, speakers.   Anyway, this was about the SR-009. I think I'm in good company in terms of people who can't listen to them at decent volume for a long period of time without getting...
  8. visualguy

    The Stax Thread III

      Good powered studio monitors (like the Focal Twin6 that I mentioned) easily give you the resolution of the SR-009. I can tell you from my experience that from a sound quality perspective there's zero advantage to any of the many headphones setups that I've had when compared to the studio...
  9. visualguy

    The Stax Thread III

    No, the SRM-007tII is not good with the SR-009 in my experience. Among all the Stax amps that I owned (323S, 727A, 007tA), only the 727A had good synergy with the SR-009.   At any rate, I haven't found a good solution to the fatiguing nature of the SR-009 (just slightly different degrees of...
  10. visualguy

    The Stax Thread III

      I'm planning to try the TH-900. I'm a little bit concerned about the midrange on those since it's reported to be somewhat recessed...
  11. visualguy

    The Stax Thread III

      The SR-009 naturally cause fatigue - that's the main problem with them. One approach that works for me is to listen to them at low volume. This works in a very quiet environment. Since these headphones offer virtually no isolation, you really need to listen to them in a quiet environment...
  12. visualguy

    Is anyone building the KGSSHV?

    Quote: Goldpoint certainly has a better feel to it when you turn the knob. Have you found other advantages?  
  13. visualguy

    Is anyone building the KGSSHV?

    Quote: Unless there's some noticeable effect on the sound (noise), single box is better in my opinion - more convenient and easier to place.   I'll definitely sign up for it when you offer it! I've been enjoying the KGSS for over 4 years now.  
  14. visualguy

    New Flagship from Audio-Technica: ATH-W3000ANV, 50th Anniversary Headphones

      I think what people mean by "weird" is that some aspects of the sound don't sound quite natural or right.   There aren't a lot of good closed headphones out there. Not sure if there's anything better than the W3000ANV among closed headphones in current production.   I personally like...
  15. visualguy

    Breaking news! Chinese company acquires Stax..

    Quote: I share your hopes, but if I were a Stax employee, I'd be looking for a new gig now (or looking into retirement if I was at that age).   One of the worries is that since Edifier bought them for so little, they don't really have much of an investment to protect in Stax, and they...