Recent content by vishnu16
  1. vishnu16

    The (new) HD800 Impressions Thread

    At the moment i'm just using the chord hugo, but i just bought the violectric v220 yesterday so lets see how it goes. This hobby is getting expensive.
  2. vishnu16

    The (new) HD800 Impressions Thread

    FinalIy i pull the plug and bought one of this last week for 1300 aussie dollars. At the moment i'm still burning it in.
  3. vishnu16

    Rank the Headphones that You Own.

    Currently owned:   1. Fostex TH-900 2 Sennheiser HD-800 (just bought this, still burning in) 3.HD-650 4.JH-13 Pro
  4. vishnu16

    JH Audio JH-13 PRO impressions thread

    Recently i demoed both the JH13 and JH16 Pro at Jaben Perth, decided to go with the JH13, my first CIEM... now the waiting is killing me...
  5. vishnu16

    KOJO KM01-BRASS : With a (32Ω) 20mW +20 mW impression and appreciation thread

    I saw one of this beauty at Jaben Perth  and decided to buy one. Very good pairing with my DX90, the headphone i am using is the Fostex TH900 it makes the vocal a bit more forward and sweet which i like, also very good bass, tight and punchy and treble very clear.
  6. vishnu16

    Fostex TH900 Impressions & Discussion Thread

    Just bought this as birthday present for myself i'm pairing it with audio-gd NFB-28 dac-amp, i hope they have good synergy.
  7. vishnu16

    The Audio Technica W3000ANV Thread

    A2A is Addicted to Audio, they ship only to Australia and New Zealand.
  8. vishnu16

    The Audio Technica W3000ANV Thread

    Just ordered mine today from A2A for $999.00
  9. vishnu16

    1 $ for Hisound’s new released ROCOO player???

    I hope i'll win the auction, really wanting another good DAP i have the hifiman 601 but it usually becomes hot after a couple of hours using it.