Recent content by twinkle
  1. twinkle

    MHDT Labs Pagoda - Any owners out there?

    Well I'm interested. After this very thoughtful and informative post, I'd really like to hear more.
  2. twinkle

    MHDT Lab Pagoda: A review ...

    Thanks for the review, S1rrah,  took me a while to read it! very complete and full of info!
  3. twinkle

    MHDT Labs Pagoda - Any owners out there?

    Wow, great thank you! I'm off to read your detailed review
  4. twinkle

    MHDT Labs Pagoda - Any owners out there?

    Hi s1rrah,   Thanks for the all the usefull info you've provided so far. Really looking forward to your in-depth review and comparisons with Stockholm. I couldn't figure out from your photos and video, which flavor of 1704 is in the Pagoda? Thanks :)
  5. twinkle

    MHDT Labs Pagoda - Any owners out there?

    Yeah, but at what price? and will it sound as good as a Padoga, which neither of us has heard?
  6. twinkle

    Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up

    For me, I buy most of my CDs in the 5 to 8 € range, which is like 6 to 10$. Sometimes takes some patience for prices to come down. I'd pay about as much for a CD quality download, in spite of having to do CD archival myself. CD quality is 4 to 5 times the bandwidth of mp3s by the way.  HD...
  7. twinkle

    Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up

    Okay. The good news is, the engine has exploded and we're all going to die.   Yeah but try your favorite guitar distortion on a really good, phase-correct DAC. Take Garbage for example. I mean the group. The seemingly low-fi suddenly takes on new meaning.
  8. twinkle

    Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up

    Warning - On-Topic and Long - Warning   Some more thought following BackToAnalog thoughts on Jason's thoughts. The problem with streaming is that it's licensing of music, not sale of music. You don't own anything except the right to listen as long as the company can keep its end of the...
  9. twinkle

    MHDT Labs Pagoda - Any owners out there?

      I think it's hardly fair to compare the price a fully assembled product to a kit. Would you assemble A.N. kits for free for anyone who asks here? Unless you consider that your time is worth nothing, then you need to factor in labor for things to become comparable.
  10. twinkle

    The Altmann Tera Player - Thread

    Thanks staxfreak for posting these!  I didn't realize Charles had taken the page down... Not sure why he wouldn't leave at least the frequency and square wave response graphs for the Tera, I know I waited to see these before pulling the trigger back then ...
  11. twinkle

    Pono headphones are coming

    Straight from :   "Some big news - PONO headphones are coming, and that will be a big deal. They are not like any other earphones you may have tried or may now own. Your PONO phones will sound the best by far with a revolutionary feature never available in a...
  12. twinkle

    Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up

    fft fft fft fft fft fft
  13. twinkle

    The Altmann Tera Player - Thread

    On the plus side, your cat is now color-coordinated with the Tera. On the minus side, the Tera's price has been multiplied by 4 since I got mine a couple years ago... Not sure what's up with that
  14. twinkle

    New Schiit! Ragnarok and Yggdrasil

    Irrespective of Ragnarok's handling of speakers, I got curious about KEF LS50: a 85db sensitivity is indeed pretty low. However, the really important parameter to consider to evaluate if a speaker is an easy or difficult load (for any amp) is the impedance curve.   Both Soundstage Network and...