Recent content by TurbOSquiD67
  1. TurbOSquiD67

    Great high-end audiophile headphones for gaming/music

    Beyer T1. 2 if it hasn't already been mentioned. I don't think I'll ever find another headphone with the amount of sheer precision this thing has with placement of gun shots, explosions, and footsteps. It's literally insane compared to any other headphone I've owned. This is straight stereo. No...
  2. TurbOSquiD67

    Audio-GD Singularity 19

  3. TurbOSquiD67

    Audio-GD Singularity 19

    Interesting reply.
  4. TurbOSquiD67

    Audio-GD Singularity 19

    The Liquid Carbon will make a difference I bet. Although, I have not heard the Jot, but I have hundreds of hours on a Carbon. Carbon is a little more smooth than the Schiit series in my findings, so that will help your case. The S19 got a bit more smoothed out with lower oversampling, but not...
  5. TurbOSquiD67

    Audio-GD Singularity 19

    Gotcha. Yep, everyone will have their opinions, and it's good to hear a mix of them. It will help people decide on what to purchase. But I do think that saying only bad things about a product is a bit aggressive. How about this.... I'm not asking you to say the S19 is good, or change your...
  6. TurbOSquiD67

    Audio-GD Singularity 19

    Well, that was quick. lol I'm confused. You found the Jot DAC to be an upgrade, or the S19? Either way, I can see one's interest in selling gear to try more. I've done it with every piece of gear I've owned except my Bottlehead amps, and a few headphones I'll never sell.
  7. TurbOSquiD67

    Audio-GD Singularity 19

    Torq, It's interesting to hear a different opinion. Although I do think that both the DAC/NOS19 and S19 are great DACs, I have heard the positives and negatives, as with all equipment. The S19 seems a bit more touchy in regards to the jumper settings being used. I've tried a few combinations...
  8. TurbOSquiD67

    Crack;Bottlehead OTL

    Has anyone ran 50-70uF value for the output caps? How'd it sound? I understand 100uF is recommended, but anywhere from half to twice the stock value should be sufficient. Experimentation is in order for those who wish to do so? That is, without hurting anything correct? I'm curious to try a few...
  9. TurbOSquiD67

    Tutorial: How to make a "Litz braid".

    I'm interested as well. Could probably figure it out, but pictures are really worth a thousand words. 
  10. TurbOSquiD67

    Audio-GD Singularity 19

    Sweet, glad you're liking it :)   Do you have PLL on, or DITH?  Not sure what would be best for the S19, or NOS19, but here's what I'm running now:   S19 (haven't listened yet just changed and letting warm up for a day): PLLEN ON DITH ON IPS1 ON (2x OS)   NOS19 (just changed from...
  11. TurbOSquiD67

    Orgy of Capacitors: The Cap Thread

    Cool. The C2A comes stock with 100uF 250V output caps. So I guess that question of a lower voltage would be for someone like PB or PJ. edit: oh I see what you're saying.... measure at the terminals of the output caps. Super interested in Mundorf Silver OIls, as I do like the lush but detailed...
  12. TurbOSquiD67

    R2R DA M1 Ultracap powered build

    8 pcs? 16 pcs? 64 PCS?!?!?!?!? ;)
  13. TurbOSquiD67

    Orgy of Capacitors: The Cap Thread

    Nice!    I think the MGBO-2 400V would be good for me, as I'm pulling a bit more current through the circuit with a slightly lower R1A value on the high current boards - keeps kreg on the low current board in check when running the 12BH7A. Or I could be wrong and 160V would be just fine :)  ...
  14. TurbOSquiD67

    Crack;Bottlehead OTL

    Thanks Tom :)
  15. TurbOSquiD67

    R2R DA M1 Ultracap powered build

    Both of these builds are SICK! Someday I will be this talented. Just gotta study and learn.    Fully balanced too?