Recent content by Trinkle
  1. Trinkle


    Their instagram page tells us to stay tuned for future products, now if Drop makes a signature edition for each product Grell releases, you might get lucky soon.
  2. Trinkle

    Beyond the Curve - An Audiophile YouTube Series

    Grrh, ufff ahhh damn !!! My reaction after realizing this video has nothing to do with HD 900 or whatever that is :(
  3. Trinkle


    According to Axel, both bass - heavier and bass - lighter pads are in the works. But I have heard of no release date yet for them.
  4. Trinkle


    I ordered this one, I think the bass light pads will really help in fixing the tonality towards my own personal preferences. The pads may be made in collaboration with Axel Grell, since in his interview he mentioned them. And if I do not like it, I trust there will be enough nerds to pay me a...
  5. Trinkle


    Rough translation
  6. Trinkle

    NEW HIFIMAN Susvara Unveiled!

    Susvara OG is a commonplace headphone hahahahha But to be fair they did mention the "mesh with a lower opening ratio" :D
  7. Trinkle

    NEW HIFIMAN Susvara Unveiled!

    Sorry I do not exactly remember may be Viva Forever by Spice Girls or Sweet Surrender by Sarah McLachlan. I returned the headphone after a week so can't recreate the experiment either :(
  8. Trinkle

    NEW HIFIMAN Susvara Unveiled!

    I did not come in this thread to profess the merits measurements, I was trying to get impressions of the Susvara Unveiled and see how much the new concept helps. I saw someone insinuated ASR measurements are useless regarding the Susvara OG, I mentioned that Keith's measurements also point out...
  9. Trinkle

    NEW HIFIMAN Susvara Unveiled!

    You are bringing in timing but you are ignoring the distortion graphs and the resonances found in their measurements, (both by Amir and Keith Howard independently). Keith Howard has mentioned resonances so has Amir. Amir mentioned hearing static. Now I heard static on HE1000SE multiple times on...
  10. Trinkle


  11. Trinkle

    NEW HIFIMAN Susvara Unveiled!

    Even in the advertisement, she touched the driver magnets with her nails :D
  12. Trinkle

    NEW HIFIMAN Susvara Unveiled!

    I am not that rich yet, to spend 6K USD for something that may sound good and measure bad, for now I intend to buy things that sound good and measure okay. But someday I might :)
  13. Trinkle

    NEW HIFIMAN Susvara Unveiled!

    Its not just ASR, Keith Howard's measurements were also not favourable. For this price I would hope to get better results.
  14. Trinkle


    The other company name
  15. Trinkle


    KK understood! What I am trying to say is that to find out how much the angling of drivers help individually to increase the soundstage, we should kind of decrease the bass to the levels of the other headphones we compare with, as bass elevation generally has an effect on soundstage, that is if...